I threw in a seemingly innocent photo of a beautiful sunset and, without putting much thought into it, explained how I was certain a unicorn could have flown by at any given point.
It's a magical ass sunset in my eyes, ok? I assume unicorns live for that kind of shit.
So, I was going on with my day, attempting to be somewhat of a decent employee, when I took a break to do my routine afternoon blog post pimping on my blog's Facebook page. Mind you, I never really know why I waste my time doing such pimping because, if I'm being completely honest here, my blog's Facebook page doesn't get much action. That is, until yesterday around 1:20pm when a unicorn hating troll made an appearance that managed to give my blog's little Facebook page so much action, it's going to be sore for days. (Too far?) (Nah)
This little comment surfaces and I'm instantly confused (and not just by the realization that people still write things like "*facepalm*" in a serious fashion.), so I do a little clicking and find myself on this thing's personal Facebook page, complete with glitter eyeshadow, horribly edited photos fit for MySpace circa 2004, ten thousand giveaway posts, and one special little post dedicated right to me. How sweet, right?
At this point all productivity, as far as my day job is concerned, was completely out the window because, clearly, I just found my entertainment for the rest of the day. There's really nothing I love more than someone insulting my intelligence (Aside from publicly blasting them on my blog.), especially when they come back with things like this:
So, basically I can't sit with this troll thing and now I'm pretty much inconsolable because, lezbihonest, who the hell wouldn't want to sit with such a charming, clearly intelligent, witty (see you next Tuesday) thing? Also, stop the presses everywhere because, apparently, if you're a blonde female who plays Fantasy Football, you are really setting that bar for "stereo typing" (aka stereotyping... one word, troll.) blondes everywhere. I've got to admit, that one really got me.
The entertainment on said thread only proceeded to get better and better as more people caught on and saw it. Some of the commentary had me in stitches to the point where I was beginning to cause a scene in this office from the loud, Roseanne-like, cackles coming from my desk.
A unicorn. A flying unicorn.
THAT, my friends, is what this entire interwebz drama was about.
A mythical creature.
In conclusion, here's a screen cap from a website I was sent yesterday during these festivities.
Thanks for giving me something to write about today.
Suck it, troll.
Oh, and if you haven't seen the thread yet and would like a little entertainment on this fine Tuesday, here you go. Have at it.
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