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how snoop hair look? / hair look good, girl

Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, 13 October 2011 | 22:25

Pretty exhausting few weeks, but good stuff. Stuff is good. Stuff is stuff. Your stuff isn't you, whatever that stupid Norton commercial says. Your you is you, and your stuff is just there to hide your dandruff in.

Thanks to Ryan Call and Matthew Salesses for running "Mosquito Fog" at the Good Men Project. It's a long story about driving a mosquito fogging truck and eating fajitas and being sad and how sadness is a see-through ghost and dawn looks really pretty on the needles of digger pines but doesn't prevent sadness, and it's basically too long to read on the web and too sad to read, period. So have a look!

What's not sad is that I am teaching an online poetry workshop for the awesome folks at Barrelhouse. It will be 8 weeks long, full of multimedia and fun. Tentative and seasoned poetasters welcome alike. Poem-tazers, even. Anyone in the world can participate, and no one will make fun of your accent. If you could spread the word to interested friends, I will love you forever and build a tiny action figure of you that highlights all your best features and obscures your trouble spots. Along with the workshopping, part of the plan is i will look at full poetry manuscripts for people and offer suggestions, places to send the poems/manuscripts, other poets who might be interesting/helpful to read, all that good stuff.

I am really trying to do this whole thing in as non-skeezy and helpful a way as possible. The cost of it is to cover the time spent and (full disclosure) to help me be able to visit Carolyn in Thailand,
so if you support love and/or airplanes, you can factor that in. I feel like this is something I am genuinely good at and passionate about, and I know a lot of people in this world rarely get the opportunity to get paid to do they love, so I feel excited and grateful that Barrelhouse is presenting me this opportunity. The workshop starts October 24th, costs $175, and there are 4 seats left

Speaking of places to sit: pretty exciting few weeks, right, world? I mean, isn't it exciting how I Skype with Carolyn and put my legless Admiral Kirk action figure in front of the camera? Oh, wait, I think there's more? (This is the cliffhanger ending of this blog post to highlight the important blog post I'm about to make that isn't just about me and Admiral Kirk but is actually about most of us and our ability to do that living stuff) ...
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