Inhale Love - Exhale Hate
Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, 12 December 2013 | 07:33
Thursday, 12 December 2013
A few days ago bear and I were walking out to my car in the parking garage of my apartment complex. Bear was busy rambling on about where we were going to go eat, because that's typically where his head is at 50% of the time, I'm sure you can guess where it is the other 50% of the time. (If you guessed Fantasy Football, you're right.) While he's pleading for a trip to Olive Garden for soup and salad, I came across a homeless dollar laying on the floor.
No one was around to claim it, even better. "I can now buy a half of a PBR", was the first thought that came to mind, then I tossed the homeless dollar in my purse and off to dinner we went.
Two days later I, sort of, forgot about the dollar until I was walking by this man that I always see in his wheelchair around my building at work. He's known around Downtown Orlando as a staple, pretty much, and he uses the money he makes to support his family and not to get fucked up like the majority of the rest of them who panhandle in the area. Who, may I add, typically scare the shit out of me by screaming at imaginary people in the middle of the road.
This man is different though, this man offers you a soda or a bottle of water when you donate money to him. He's the kind of person who makes me wish I had a lot more money in my bank account so I could easily throw $50 in his bucket and not think twice about it. Unfortunately, I'm not capable of such a donation at this point in my life, so I handed him that dollar I found, plus two more I had, and the smile that ran across his face just about caused me to breakdown and cry right there, in the middle of Downtown Orlando.
Clearly I'm still a bit unstable with my emotions.
Either way, he made my week with that smile and it inspired me to do a little more giving this holiday season. While I'd love to be able to be Ellen status and give away 12 days worth of things I love here, I'm not ballin' like that, so I'm not going to be able to do quite that much for you all. Plus, I hear you're not supposed to ship things like wine and Fireball, and there's only a few of you who live close enough to win a hug from me, or multiple soggy kisses from Ella, so none of that is going to work either.
Soooo, what I've decided to do is give two of this month's IWYP By: Whitney Ellen shirts away to two lucky people. (and don't worry if you've already paid for yours, we will work something out if you end up being one of the lucky ones.) Winners will be picked and contacted next Thursday. And yes, this is open to international ladies, too.
I'm only putting a Rafflecopter here right now because it will save me time, but I'm going to do my best not to make you jump through a million hoops because, real talk right now, I loathe entering giveaways. So, let's make this as painless as possible and good luck!
See you tomorrow for #backthatazzup!

Be The Beyonce Of Your Blog
Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday, 11 December 2013 | 12:46
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
No need to adjust your screen. I'm still here, I'm still blogging, I still really enjoy doing it (I really hope you all giggled at my use of "doing it"), and I don't have any plans of checking out of this joint just yet. Which all seems to be the opposite of the current feelings of many bloggers I've seen dropping off the blogosphere lately, who are just plain over it. While I can completely respect where everyone is coming from, I can't say I've been feeling the same way. Kind of the opposite, really.
Wow, way to be an arrogant bitch, Whit. Except I promise that's not where I'm going, I'm simply here to answer a few questions I get asked regularly and, maybe, give those of you having thoughts of falling off the blogosphere edge a little tug to stay aboard. So, yes, this is technically a post about blogging, which I tend to try and stray away from to avoid the cliches that trail along with them, but it's time. I'm ready to let it out. PUT ME IN COACH!
Most often, the questions I get are something along the lines of: "How do you find things to post about 5 days a week?", "Did you see this written about you (referring to something negative)?", "How are you so brave to share all of this stuff where anyone can read it?". They go on, and on, and on, but that's the gist of my more popular questions and my answer to them all is one that I'm here to elaborate on today.
Posting five days a week:
Posting five days a week can be exhausting, I'm not even going to pretend it's not. Here's the thing though, I chose to start this blog and I chose to give myself the goal of writing five posts a week. Just as I chose both of those things, I can also choose to play hookie a few days a month if I feel like it. Because this is my interwebz house and if I want to stay home and watch The Price is Right all day long, then that's what I'm going to do. Because I can. Because I built this house and I make the damn rules.
Basically, this is how I like to walk into my blog every morning and again when I walk away from it to sign off at night...
Because here's the deal, if you aren't the Beyonce of your own blog, no one else is going to pick up the slack for you. Thus, you fall off the stage. And let's be real, I think we all know that Kelly and Michelle aren't nearly fierce enough to drive this boat without Beyonce.
Make your own rules and don't worry about what anyone else is doing. Be the Beyonce of your own blog.
Dealing with the negative:
For me, this is the one I see a lot of bloggers jump ship for more than anything. It's also the reason I can sympathize with most because, well, simply put... Mo' readers, mo' problems. I also relate to this one because it's something I've dealt with for the majority of my life, as I feel the majority people have. If you haven't, you probably just never heard about it. Also, Santa's not real. Sorry you had to hear that from me but it's time.
The thing is, with blogging it's so easy for people to get a wrong sense of who you are because, for the most part, our voices are being read by someone who's never met us. It's so easy for typed words to be misread, whether in a tone not intended by the writer, or read by someone who simply has a different sense of humor and/or beliefs. So, yeah, pissing people off comes with the territory of blogging and putting yourself out there. It's cool though, if everyone agreed with everything you said, the world would be a pretty boring place.
I guess my biggest piece of advice on this one is...
You can. not. please them all. Ever. Ever. You really can't. So, just go ahead, style that weave, and Beyonce to them all, because do you think Queen Bey cares if someone hates her? Answer: Hell no she doesn't because she's Beyonce and she gives zero fucks.
Let it go, stay positive, and continue to stay true to the writer Beyonce you want to be.
Braving the public eye:
There's very little I keep secret around here. The good, the bad, the ugly, the Beyonce. If it's happened to me it's probably going to make it on this refrigerator at least once. I grew up writing about my life experiences, though, just ask anyone who's still around from the old days of LifeJournal (I'm looking at you, shrinking woman, Faith).
Like I said previously, you can't please them all. You just have to write for you and, as long as you back the words you write with confidence, you have no reason to hide.
Honestly, I love it here. I love writing, I love sharing my stories, and I love the community (for the most part). Are there days when I write things that I feel will get more attention than they actually do? Absolutely. But those are usually the days that the post I've written is one that I'm proud of, therefor I give it enough hype and attention in my own head that it's probably a good thing no one else really loved it.
Sometimes you just have to love on your own blog. You know why?
That's right, because you know damn well that Bey re-watches her performances and loves the ever living shit out of them. If you don't love on your own blog, why would anyone else love on it?
It's ok to be proud of a post you write. It's ok to give yourself attention. It's ok the Beyonce the hell out of every single day you show up to blog.

Christmas Gift Ideas
I have such a hard time figuring out what to get my kids for Christmas. While I wouldn't say they are spoiled (they don't have all the latest electronic gadgets ... I have a Kindle that they can use and they share an old Ipod Touch that Joe's mom handed down to us, but they don't use either on a regular, daily basis), they do have plenty.
I have a closet full of toys that I need to purge from the house. They have books, puzzles, train table, Barbies, doll house, cars, balls, different kinds of building blocks, kitchen set with food that they still use, board games, dress up clothes, etc.
They don't ask for much either, so there isn't much that they say the want. Although several months ago Lucas was with me at Staples and saw the display of the "Easy" buttons. For some reason he thought pushing it and hearing "That was easy!" was the neatest thing. He's actually asked for that for Christmas. "I want the "that was easy!" button!" Well, ... that was easy! I haven't actually bought it yet; I'm not sure if my sanity can take hearing that going all day. But he has consistently mentioned it when talking about Christmas.
Kayla is getting the Our Generation Doll - Daisy mostly because I thought it looked like her with the longer blond hair and the glasses. I think she will be excited to see a doll with glasses. I wasn't sure at first about getting this for her because she's 10 ... and I just didn't know if 10 year olds play with dolls anymore. But I put it out there on FB and it was an overwhelming "yes!" and there are several 9 and 10 year olds who are getting these type of dolls for Christmas. I think this will be a hit with Kayla.
Lucas recently went to a LEGO birthday party and received a little kit in his goody bag. He doesn't have any LEGOS, yet. Mostly because I knew it would (will) drive me crazy because they will end up all over the floor. But he has been having fun with this little kit, so I finally decided to get him a set. He also recently started asking about magic kits so he'll be getting one of those too.
If you're still looking for some ideas too I've recently blogged about the Switch and Go Dino, Boogie Board, Ziggle, uKloo, and We Sing 80s. Another idea for a stocking stuffer is this game called Tenzi. This is such a fun and easy game for the whole family to play. This is also helping Kayla with some of her vision exercises as she has to use her eyes together to quickly scan all of her dice looking for a specific number. There are multiple variations of play so you can change things up. This has been a big hit with our family.
What gifts are your kids getting? I know there are lots of ideas out there that I haven't thought of yet, and products I don't know about. So, please share!

I have a closet full of toys that I need to purge from the house. They have books, puzzles, train table, Barbies, doll house, cars, balls, different kinds of building blocks, kitchen set with food that they still use, board games, dress up clothes, etc.
They don't ask for much either, so there isn't much that they say the want. Although several months ago Lucas was with me at Staples and saw the display of the "Easy" buttons. For some reason he thought pushing it and hearing "That was easy!" was the neatest thing. He's actually asked for that for Christmas. "I want the "that was easy!" button!" Well, ... that was easy! I haven't actually bought it yet; I'm not sure if my sanity can take hearing that going all day. But he has consistently mentioned it when talking about Christmas.
Kayla is getting the Our Generation Doll - Daisy mostly because I thought it looked like her with the longer blond hair and the glasses. I think she will be excited to see a doll with glasses. I wasn't sure at first about getting this for her because she's 10 ... and I just didn't know if 10 year olds play with dolls anymore. But I put it out there on FB and it was an overwhelming "yes!" and there are several 9 and 10 year olds who are getting these type of dolls for Christmas. I think this will be a hit with Kayla.
Lucas recently went to a LEGO birthday party and received a little kit in his goody bag. He doesn't have any LEGOS, yet. Mostly because I knew it would (will) drive me crazy because they will end up all over the floor. But he has been having fun with this little kit, so I finally decided to get him a set. He also recently started asking about magic kits so he'll be getting one of those too.
If you're still looking for some ideas too I've recently blogged about the Switch and Go Dino, Boogie Board, Ziggle, uKloo, and We Sing 80s. Another idea for a stocking stuffer is this game called Tenzi. This is such a fun and easy game for the whole family to play. This is also helping Kayla with some of her vision exercises as she has to use her eyes together to quickly scan all of her dice looking for a specific number. There are multiple variations of play so you can change things up. This has been a big hit with our family.
What gifts are your kids getting? I know there are lots of ideas out there that I haven't thought of yet, and products I don't know about. So, please share!

Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday, 10 December 2013 | 19:47
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Sheets sticky with indulgent streaks
that Tide's extra strength will never Gain.
Delightfully dirty this mind
recalling each delicious stain.
The strain of overflowing.
The constant pain of knowing
just how long it would last.
I'm chasing remnants of our past.
If I chip away,
I will save all of the crumbs.
There isn't much to say
between index and thumb
and the tongue that licks them clean.
This blood boils over your body oil.
Had endless dreams about your hair sheen.
Imagining every last scene.
My malted milky mallomar........
you made me travel so far.
Spent some ages down south.
Made some sense of my mouth.
Laid renewal upon shoulders of the willing.
He who would bridge tooth and sink nails
until your ship began to sail.
Frail I look in perception.
Rugged in appearance.
Appealing to potential clearance
but can't shake the interference.
Peruse my path without a cane.
Kept it narrow. Made it plain.
My desire never sane.
I'm licking my fingers again.
Do you ever wonder?
How often do you notice?
We have displayed it certainly.
I lay here next to uncertainty
and I am forever restless.
My best wish and worst fear
would be to draw you near.
That in mind, I want you here.
You need to know.
I've so much to show you
but that moment would be brief.
I may never stave this grief......
I've fashioned you in flavors:
labored in silky ribbons
stretching over every cloud,
proud to dip and drip with purpose,
feigning nervous with precision,
splashing wild into these palms
with no calm before the storm.
Spent my time trying to stay warm.
Night is coldest under covers.
Enticement hovers in my torment
and the torrents mar my vision.
All I want I have envisioned:
melting long enough to linger
but you still elude my fingers
as you coat my mind again.
It all rinses in the rain.....................
Written By: Devin Joseph Metz
Sheets sticky with indulgent streaks
that Tide's extra strength will never Gain.
Delightfully dirty this mind
recalling each delicious stain.
The strain of overflowing.
The constant pain of knowing
just how long it would last.
I'm chasing remnants of our past.
If I chip away,
I will save all of the crumbs.
There isn't much to say
between index and thumb
and the tongue that licks them clean.
This blood boils over your body oil.
Had endless dreams about your hair sheen.
Imagining every last scene.
My malted milky mallomar........
you made me travel so far.
Spent some ages down south.
Made some sense of my mouth.
Laid renewal upon shoulders of the willing.
He who would bridge tooth and sink nails
until your ship began to sail.
Frail I look in perception.
Rugged in appearance.
Appealing to potential clearance
but can't shake the interference.
Peruse my path without a cane.
Kept it narrow. Made it plain.
My desire never sane.
I'm licking my fingers again.
Do you ever wonder?
How often do you notice?
We have displayed it certainly.
I lay here next to uncertainty
and I am forever restless.
My best wish and worst fear
would be to draw you near.
That in mind, I want you here.
You need to know.
I've so much to show you
but that moment would be brief.
I may never stave this grief......
I've fashioned you in flavors:
labored in silky ribbons
stretching over every cloud,
proud to dip and drip with purpose,
feigning nervous with precision,
splashing wild into these palms
with no calm before the storm.
Spent my time trying to stay warm.
Night is coldest under covers.
Enticement hovers in my torment
and the torrents mar my vision.
All I want I have envisioned:
melting long enough to linger
but you still elude my fingers
as you coat my mind again.
It all rinses in the rain.....................
Written By: Devin Joseph Metz

IWYP By: Whitney Ellen
Look at me go, everyone. I managed to make it back here for round two of IWYP By: Whitney Ellen. To say I was blown away by the outcome of the first month would be a massive understatement and I'm seriously so happy with the overwhelming feedback I've received and I can only hope this month continues on the same path!
This month, after many comments and requests, I went with a less blog specific theme to cater to those who aren't all about the blog related themes.
Now, I'm not sure I can speak for everyone on this, but I could spend hours on Instagram roaming the popular page, new friends, someone who liked a bunch of my photos, and most definitely hashtags. I can't deny, this month's t-shirt is completely inspired by a night about two months ago when I got sucked into Instagram, more specifically the hashtag #OOTD. With that, this month's shirt was born.
December: #OOTD
($25 + $5 US Shipping)
$3 added for shipping outside the USA
I'm pretty excited about this one because, not only can my non-blogging ladies enjoy it, I'm loving that it's one of those things you can't just look at and instantly know what it's about... Well, that is, unless you're a hashtag roamer, like myself.
As always, I assure your shirt will be one of the most comfortable shirts you own. Almost more comfortable than the t-shirts you've been wearing for years. I know this because I personally did a feel test, sounds naughty, on about ten different t-shirts until I found the one. With that being said, your shirt also has screen printed tags, so you wont have to worry with itchy tags on the back of your neck.
One of my most favorite parts is that, in addition to no itchy tag, the screen printed tags are custom, just for orders made through my blog! Sorry guys, this part still hasn't worn off for me. Still really exciting!
As always, each and every single order goes through my hands before being placed in the hands of your mailman! They also include a free koozie which coincides with your shirt artwork. Just don't forget, you only have two weeks to get your order for this month's shirt in. Once the two weeks is up, so is your chance to ever get this month's design.
Never hesitate to contact me with questions, I'm here to help!

This month, after many comments and requests, I went with a less blog specific theme to cater to those who aren't all about the blog related themes.
Now, I'm not sure I can speak for everyone on this, but I could spend hours on Instagram roaming the popular page, new friends, someone who liked a bunch of my photos, and most definitely hashtags. I can't deny, this month's t-shirt is completely inspired by a night about two months ago when I got sucked into Instagram, more specifically the hashtag #OOTD. With that, this month's shirt was born.
December: #OOTD
($25 + $5 US Shipping)
$3 added for shipping outside the USA
I'm pretty excited about this one because, not only can my non-blogging ladies enjoy it, I'm loving that it's one of those things you can't just look at and instantly know what it's about... Well, that is, unless you're a hashtag roamer, like myself.
As always, I assure your shirt will be one of the most comfortable shirts you own. Almost more comfortable than the t-shirts you've been wearing for years. I know this because I personally did a feel test, sounds naughty, on about ten different t-shirts until I found the one. With that being said, your shirt also has screen printed tags, so you wont have to worry with itchy tags on the back of your neck.
One of my most favorite parts is that, in addition to no itchy tag, the screen printed tags are custom, just for orders made through my blog! Sorry guys, this part still hasn't worn off for me. Still really exciting!
As always, each and every single order goes through my hands before being placed in the hands of your mailman! They also include a free koozie which coincides with your shirt artwork. Just don't forget, you only have two weeks to get your order for this month's shirt in. Once the two weeks is up, so is your chance to ever get this month's design.
Never hesitate to contact me with questions, I'm here to help!
I am wearing a medium.
The fine print goes something like this:
1. For two weeks each month I will be taking pre-orders, if you will, for that specific month's t-shirt. It is a one month at a time pre-order, so you aren't committed to any other month's shirt but the one you are seeing on this blog.
2. Once the two week pre-order period is up that shirt will no longer be offered, so make sure you don't miss the window to get that month's shirt.
3. There are no surprises and, just like this post, you will know exactly what shirt you're getting when you pre-order. The shirt color, font color, and font selection you see here is what you will receive in the mail.
4. These are high quality t-shirts and are custom printed just for the orders taken here on my blog. Each shirt even comes with a custom 'IWYP by: Whitney Ellen' tag on them, which is far too exciting for me to handle. You will also receive a special free gift just for being awesome and ordering a shirt.
5. Your shirt will be shipped one to two weeks after pre-order sales are over. Remember, they are custom printed for my blog so the wait will be worth it.
6. All payments ($25 + $5 shipping or $8 shipping outside USA) must be made during the two week pre-order time period. While there is no limit on how many are sold, if your payment isn't made in the two week time period you will, unfortunately, miss out on that month's shirt.
7. Be sure to double, triple, check the size chart below to assure you are ordering the correct size because all sales are final due to the customization of the shirts.
However if, for some reason, you decide you want to back out before the two week pre-order period has ended you will get a 100% refund.
***NEW*** There is also a 2XL option without v-neck!
Orders will be accepted until Tuesday, December 24th at 11:59pm Eastern Time.

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