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Finally Festive

Penulis : Unknown on Monday 23 December 2013 | 11:30

Oh hey there, day before Christmas eve. I've been more productive today at work than I typically am in a week because, I'm hoping, if I finish up everything I have to get done today I won't have to come in the office again until 2014. THAT, my friends, would be a true Christmas miracle.

With that said, let's make this a quickie because who doesn't like a good quickie. 
Wait, what?

Are you ready for this little shocker? The bear and I went on our first official date on Friday night. Yes, you read that right. Him and I have never actually been on a real date. What can I say? Our entire relationship is a bit unconventional and, well, we've just never gotten around to doing the ol' "pick ya up at 8" thing. That changed this weekend, though, and it was cool and all... Except I'm just a big fan of the nights we come home, turn the AC down to polar bear (See what I did there?) temps, and curl up with some take out and a good movie. 

Either way, mark it down. We've officially been on a date. Nearly five months later. Ha. 

Oh, oh, we also decided to be all festive and shit on Friday night. And by "we" I mean "me" because, if we're being honest here, bear didn't really have a choice. 
We went and walked this crazy Christmas light house and it put my Grinch ass right in the Christmas spirit. Yep, you read that right. I'm officially on board with St. Nick. It only took me a month... No big deal.

Saturday we did the adult thing and went on a mass cleaning attack on my apartment. It sucked big ballsack. Well, it did until we finished... and then I enjoyed every damn second of it and didn't want to leave. Bonus points, we even shampooed my rug so now it's back to being off-white and black instead of grey and black. Holler. 

Sweet serenity. 

Saturday night I got myself some delicious oysters for dinner, topped with a pitcher of beer, and ended with a little darts. That, sir Luke Bryan, is MY kind of night. 

Yesterday I woke up to this little face...
Which convinced me to stay in bed a bit longer than I probably should have but, hey, you would too. 

Once I finally rolled out of bed, I made my way out to battle the crowds with my mom and finish up my Christmas shopping for bear. We made a pit stop at Cheesecake Factory for some Bloody's and brunch, and then I had my parking spot stollen by some jackass in a VW Jetta. He laughed while he pulled into the spot, which basically forced me to use every bit of class I had in my body to not scream profanities and deface his vehicle. Woooo. Saaaaa. Or whatever that yoga thing is.

My tree now looks like Santa has arrived and I can't wait for bear to open everything. Even more, I can't wait to show you guys what I got him. So. Cool.

Anywho, I'm out like me in dodgeball. 
Wish me luck in my pursuit of getting the next week off.

Also, don't forget that tomorrow is the last day to order and pay for this month's IWYP By: Whitney Ellen #OOTD shirt!  [CLICK HERE to order]

See yaaa! 
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