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Christmas Gift Ideas

Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday 11 December 2013 | 11:19

I have such a hard time figuring out what to get my kids for Christmas. While I wouldn't say they are spoiled (they don't have all the latest electronic gadgets ... I have a Kindle that they can use and they share an old Ipod Touch that Joe's mom handed down to us, but they don't use either on a regular, daily basis), they do have plenty.

I have a closet full of toys that I need to purge from the house. They have books, puzzles, train table, Barbies, doll house, cars, balls, different kinds of building blocks, kitchen set with food that they still use, board games, dress up clothes, etc.

They don't ask for much either, so there isn't much that they say the want. Although several months ago Lucas was with me at Staples and saw the display of the "Easy" buttons. For some reason he thought pushing it and hearing "That was easy!" was the neatest thing. He's actually asked for that for Christmas. "I want the "that was easy!" button!" Well, ... that was easy! I haven't actually bought it yet; I'm not sure if my sanity can take hearing that going all day. But he has consistently mentioned it when talking about Christmas.

Kayla is getting the Our Generation Doll - Daisy mostly because I thought it looked like her with the longer blond hair and the glasses.  I think she will be excited to see a doll with glasses. I wasn't sure at first about getting this for her because she's 10 ... and I just didn't know if 10 year olds play with dolls anymore. But I put it out there on FB and it was an overwhelming "yes!" and there are several 9 and 10 year olds who are getting these type of dolls for Christmas. I think this will be a hit with Kayla.

Lucas recently went to a LEGO birthday party and received a little kit in his goody bag. He doesn't have any LEGOS, yet. Mostly because I knew it would (will) drive me crazy because they will end up all over the floor. But he has been having fun with this little kit, so I finally decided to get him a set. He also recently started asking about magic kits so he'll be getting one of those too.

If you're still looking for some ideas too I've recently blogged about the Switch and Go Dino, Boogie Board, Ziggle, uKloo, and We Sing 80s. Another idea for a stocking stuffer is this game called Tenzi. This is such a fun and easy game for the whole family to play. This is also helping Kayla with some of her vision exercises as she has to use her eyes together to quickly scan all of her dice looking for a specific number. There are multiple variations of play so you can change things up. This has been a big hit with our family.

What gifts are your kids getting? I know there are lots of ideas out there that I haven't thought of yet, and products I don't know about. So, please share!

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