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I failed and it was all my fault.

Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, 28 February 2013 | 07:11

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Like many posts that I write that begin with a disclaimer, I should probably just go ahead and trash this now... but alas, the stubborn Polish-German girl inside of me is just going to keep going and hope I have a few friends once I'm done.

I've made it no secret that I was once engaged, you can read about it here if you need to get caught up to speed on that one. And I'm pretty sure someone has been waiting for more on that story because "i wore yoga pants engaged" seems to be a popular search term here, as of late. If you're confused don't worry, I am too. Anyways, long story short, I am no longer engaged or in a relationship with that person and I was the one to end the engagement.

So if you've already posted about this, why are you posting about this again, broken record girl Whitney? Well, lifestyle blogging is really cool in that I get to read and pick other people's brains all of the time. So much so that at times I feel so in tune with someone else's story that I feel like I'm actually living it. This topic, in particular, is one that I have felt a lot around here lately and I just figured it was time to weigh in my two cents about it. As always, this is just my personal opinion and does not, by any means, mean it is relevant to your personal situation.

Forcing the engagement.

Who is already ready to throat jab me into tomorrow? I promise, it's totally awesome to disagree with me, I won't be upset about it. Hell, I commonly disagree with a lot of the posts married women write about how us single ladies haven't even started our lives yet. It's cool... to each their own, right? Right.

Ok, so enough beating around the bush. Let's do this thing.
Here is why I plead and beg for all of you ladies dying to get engaged to just relax and wait it out. Here is my story about how I let my insane (like, Leann Rimes insane) obsession with getting a ring turn my life in to complete shambles.

Like I said in my other post, we dated for about 4 years on and off. I was consumed with the idea of growing up, getting married, getting the house, the kids, the whole shebang. I was an actual crazy person and looking back now I don't even know who that person was that I was being. It seemed like everyone around me was on their way to this life I had created in my head and I was on the other end forcing everything, trying to create the life, no matter what the other party involved thought of it. Some call that control freak, looking back now, I just call it nuts. Completely nuts. My head was all in the wrong place, to say the very, very (veryvery) least.

I went as far as joining an "in waiting" forum on a wedding website where I communicated with other ladies who were doing the same thing I was doing... waiting. Watching everyone else get the golden ticket to Willy Wonka's chocolate factory while we were just stuck in Charlie Bucket's run down house, also known as the "in waiting" chat forum. Sharing this little tidbit with the interwebz is not my finest moment but if I'm going to make a post like this, I've got to lay it all on the table here.

It took me about 2 days after he bought the ring for me to find it, because apparently I am a basset hound to diamond hunting. From there on out, I lost every last bit of sense I had left inside of me - which, if we're being honest here, wasn't very much. I would come home from work every day and wear the ring around the house until I knew he would be home soon, then I'd shove it back in the velvet ring box and back in the drawer it was "hidden" in. I was obsessed and what I was doing was not even a little bit ok. I know this now, obviously.

With the ring, unfortunately not the guy.
And it was a beautiful ring, I know because I hand picked the setting and insisted it was the one.

From there on out all he had to do was hold my hand a different way and I was convinced it was going to happen right then and there.. but obviously it didn't. From my other story, we know that I "found" it one day and that's how the "proposal" went down. Really cool. Really insane.  

So, I got my way. Everything I was waiting for, I finally got. I could proudly sport my sparkly ring around in public and go buy wedding magazines galore. I went and tried on dresses, I visited with countless venues, met with caterers. All of it. Three months later, what seemed like 1 million congratulatory messages, and one engagement party down, the excitement wore off and I woke up. 

I woke up hard. And then it all crumbled in front of me. All of the family members who had attended the engagement party and adorned us with so many expensive and thoughtful gifts, they'd all see my failed engagement. My mom, who had been so excited about planning her only daughter's wedding, she'd see my failed engagement. My best friends who agreed to stand next to me on my big day, they'd all see my failed engagement. I failed and it was all my fault

Kathy Lee says it best when she says "everyone has a story", so I know that so many of you other ladies in waiting, who are probably rolling your eyes at me today, will have completely different stories that will lead to an amazing and happy marriage with the love of your life. But just remember that it isn't always what it seems. It isn't always the right time. If it is the true love of your life, time is no measure and it's ok to wait it out a little bit. Don't let the facade of the glitz and the attention take over what's most important, like I did.

In the end "Que Sera, Sera", or "Whatever will be, will be".

I can whole heartedly say that it was the craziest learning experience I have ever witnessed and I'm in a hell of a lot better place in my life now. I'm stronger, I'm happier, I'm way more independent, and most of all, I'm so content with being a non-married twenty-something woman. (Also a shit ton more level headed... but that really wasn't too hard to come by.) I only wish I could have read about someone else's crazy story like this 3ish years ago so I could have avoided the whole fiasco. Just kidding, like I'm really capable from learning from other people's mistakes. 

Oh, and if you feel like chasing me away with a stick because you don't want my bat shit crazies to rub off on you, I understand. I like to think they're gone now though. I think it was the ring's fault, which was give back a long time ago.
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Positive Things About Down Syndrome

Someone landed on my blog yesterday by searching for "What are some positive things about people living with Down syndrome?" 

I'm glad to know someone was searching out the positive things ... and I hope they found what they were looking for. 

Of course I have no way of knowing if that was a new parent, a parent with a prenatal diagnosis, or even a parent at all. Maybe someone was doing a research paper. 

My 'positive things' would be the emphasis on the word living. That the person with Down syndrome is alive and living their life, and doing what makes them happy. 

Almost 6 years ago I wrote a post called Hope and Normalcy, Part 2 and here is something I wrote that explains my thoughts on positive things living with Down syndrome:

...I will have had the opportunity to know my child, to watch her grow and learn and play and be whoever she is going to be. I would rather have this real person to hold in my arms and laugh and cry with. I would rather have my child here to celebrate birthdays and holidays and first days of school and milestones. I would rather have the joy and privilege of raising her and molding her into a wonderful human being...

The positive things are simply knowing this person who has Down syndrome, welcoming them in to your life, and loving them. (There are also a few perks of having Down syndrome as well.)

Is it all positive things living with Down syndrome? Of course not.

Is parenting in general all positive things all the time? Of course not.

There are challenges and frustrations, for sure. I experience that in having a child with Down syndrome, just as I do with having a typical child. While having Down syndrome brings with it some challenges, I think society, and lack of acceptance and understanding of people with Down syndrome (or disabilities in general) prove to be the bigger challenges.

Parenting in and of itself isn't easy. It can be hard. Raising little human beings without a perfect one-size-fits-all instruction manual can be hard. But it's worth it; and there will always be positive things.

There are positive things like my son asking his sister, who has Down syndrome, "Kayla, do you want to live next door to me when we're bigger?" and Kayla saying, "Yeah!" and Lucas saying, "Yay! We're going to be neighbors!"

There are positive things you hear about your child like this:

Kayla told me that T pushed M on the bus. (The same M who was wishy-washy with her friendship at the beginning of the school year, but things got better). Yesterday morning, as we were walking to the bus stop, I asked M about the incident. She said that T was trying to get down the aisle on the bus and shoved her to get by. M fell on her backpack and hit her head on the floor.

Then she told me, "And Kayla stayed right by my side after it happened. She did not leave my side at all the whole rest of the time; she stayed right with me."

That explains why I saw them walking side-by-side off the bus, all the way home, the day before.

Positive things: My daughter knowing it wasn't a nice thing, what T did to M...and staying with M to make sure she was ok. Positive things like being a kind person and good friend. Positive things like knowing when someone needs a little TLC. Positive things like empathizing and sympathizing.

Yes, there are positive things about people living with Down syndrome.

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Whitney's What the? Wednesday

Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday, 27 February 2013 | 09:48

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Well hey there Wednesday, we meet again.
I just spent a good portion of my morning at an office furniture store in search of the perfect desk chair for my new office. My boss legitimately made me sit in about 40 desk chairs, which turned out to be incredibly awkward, so just let that sink in and paint a picture for the kind of day I've had so far.
In case you were wondering, we finally agreed on one and it now sits in my new, empty office.

Anyways, let's get this show on the road.

Janet Jackson is married. Again.
Just go ahead and let that marinate for a second because if you are anything like me, you haven't heard her name since around the time where JT introduced us to her right knocker. Her husband's name is, once again, something I can not pronounce but for the sake of this post I will refer to him as Wiss.i.am the Man. Close enough.
Their wedding gifts to one another were donations to charity, or something very celebrity like that. My guess is that one of these said charities is probably the culprit of leaking these super secret nuptials. Either way, congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Wiss.i.am the Man. I guess.

Nicki Minaj wants to be an actress.
Because, in case you were wondering, what she is currently doing is not actually considered acting. Having 7 personalities doesn't equate to one actress, apparently, and now I'm just confused as to what it takes.
Big, huge props to that agent. This is sure to be an interesting ride for whoever she found to take that job on. Here's to hoping she finds someone to work with her on that British accent she's always trying to pull off.

MTV recently aired one of their classiest shows to date that even puts the worst Snooki days of Jersey Shore to shame. Buckwild is the name and I may, or may not, have found myself shamelessly tuning in to watch this train wreck on the regular. Well, it turns out that one of the stars of the show, Salwa, has been arrested for trafficking drugs. Not just any drugs though... freaking heroin. The real stuff.
I wish I could say that I tagged this one to be the shadester from the beginning but I actually thought she was the sweet one. Goes to show how great my judge of character is. I'm thinking this could be the start of a beautiful friendship for Salwa and Teen Mom's Amber Portwood.
Chicks that rehab/prison together, stay together.

This might be my most favorite story of the week...  Little Miss Teen Delaware has officially resigned from her fancy title and has given her sparkly crown back. Turns out, this class act of an 18 year old has bigger ambitions in life. She was recently quoted in a questionable video saying something along the lines of "I like being on top" and she isn't talking about the beauty queen pyramid.
Yep, that's right, this little lady recently stared in a good, old fashioned porno and she doesn't intend to stop now. Well, ok then... Maybe she'll be offered to take Salwa's spot on Buckwild, I really feel like she'd be a great choice for season 2.
All I know is that the runner up didn't realize that when she jokingly called this chick a whore for beating her, she wasn't really that far from the truth.

It looks like Taylor Swift dressed in disguise on Tuesday night and attended a One Direction show. Ok, just kidding, I don't have confirmation of that but Harry Styles did get nailed in the man jibblets by a shoe while performing on stage and I just can't help but hope it was some undercover T.Swizzy friend who got paid off. Not that I would ever do that to one of my exes or anything...
Though I really wouldn't mind getting the shoe-thrower's rates. Someone's got great aim.
I'd also like to know if T.Swizzle really is paying someone to do this and when the next show will be. Probably the only time I'd pay to see One Direction.

Pornos, heroin, and shoes to crotch.
What a week!

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Trying Too Hard

Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday, 26 February 2013 | 08:30

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Trying too hard.

Those are three words that never fail to leave me confused. What does that even mean anyways? All through life, as far as I can remember, people always seemed to throw that little phrase around like it was the ultimate dis and I just don't understand it. Why is trying hard a negative thing?

In school when I tried really hard I found success and made better grades. 

When I graduated I tried really hard to find a job and I found one.

At work when I try really hard I make more money.

In relationships when I try really hard they last longer.

In friendships when I try really hard I'm a better friend.

My question remains, why is this usually meant to be such a negative thing? I'll be the first to admit that I do try hard. Not only just on my blog but in all of the things I just mentioned and probably many more that I can't think of right now. I have a really hard time finding the bad in this though, personally, and I think that when you stop trying that's when things go bad. Shouldn't the negative feelings be for those who aren't trying their hardest?

I mean, I get it, pushy salesmen can be pretty overbearing but that's just how they make their living. That's just who they are. At least they're doing something because something has got to be a hell of a lot better than nothing, right? 

Right now in my life there are a few things I'd really like to change but I know that if I don't try my damnest to make them happen I won't get that change. Because I can remember when I used to try harder to fit in at school than I did at trying to succeed in my dancing and that showed at nationals when I only scored a silver medal on my solo. I want my ultimate gold medal in life now, not the silver, and, just like that last year of dance, if I don't try I'm only mediocre. I'm only a silver medal.

As always, when I spill my guts here, I have no idea where I'm really going with this. Only that I'm about to start trying really, really damn hard to make some changes in my life and I can only hope that's not a negative thing. I'm finally ready for my ultimate gold medal.

And I'm not talking about dance or going to compete against high schoolers at nationals this summer. Just to clear that up.
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Height Advantage

Penulis : Unknown on Monday, 25 February 2013 | 09:55

Monday, 25 February 2013

Kayla and Lucas are 4.5 yrs apart; although you probably couldn't tell it by their size. They look like they could be only 2 yrs apart. Kayla isn't very tall. She's taller than Lucas, but not by much. I imagine in a few years Lucas will be taller than her.

Her being taller came in handy to her last night. She can hold her arm straight above her head and Lucas can't reach whatever she's holding. On occasion Kayla will do this to tease Lucas. Last night it was with the Ipod.

She was holding it above her head, smiling and laughing, as Lucas reached, and then jumped in an attempt to grab it. It was all in good fun as he found it amusing ... and I think he enjoyed the challenged of trying to get something that was unreachable.

I secretly love that she can do this. For one, it's such a sibling thing to do. For two, since it won't be long until he's taller than her I want her to be able to use her height over him while she can. For three, there are things that he can do that she struggles with, so I like that she is able to hold something out of his reach.

Lucas almost got her last night though. As he stood staring at her arm raised up high I could see the wheels turning. Then he reached out and started tickling her side and armpit in hopes that it would cause her to lower her arm.

It was a good strategy and would have worked ... had she been in a ticklish mood last night.

For now, she won that battle.

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If you're here for an Oscars recap you're in the wrong place, but I think most of you probably know that.

My flight didn't get back until 11:15 last night which was fine until I came to find out that my luggage decided it wanted to spend the night in Philadelphia (where my connecting flight was). Supposedly it will make it's appearance in Florida today but I've seen Meet the Parents and I know what I could be in for. So, shout out to US Air for that little treat.

I really can't complain though, my weekend was seriously worth every ounce of exhaustion I feel this morning. And also worth the 4 days, or so, of this hungover feeling I've got going on right now. I like to think these are all just great reminders that I did my vacation proud.

Ok, blab blab blab. I will now attempt to show you as much of my NYC weekend in photos, though I've got to be honest and admit that there aren't many photos of us at night. Mostly because by that point we had a little too much Fireball whiskey and working our phones proved to be a difficult task.

This song was the anthem of our trip thanks to Sephora blaring it and getting it stuck in our heads.

Friday after we got settled in our hotel room we set out to the brewery to grab some lunch and bevys. I tipped a few heavy drinks back during this because I made a promise to go ice skating and I don't ice skate.
Check the chick on the ground behind me. Safe to say I'm shocked that's not me.
Kelly had a much better time skating than I did. Luckily I brought some Fireball in my purse which helped me feel a little better about my horrible lack of coordination, balance and grace. Let's just say I wont be making it to the winter olympics next year.

I like furry things on my head.
I felt like a black bear.

Saturday I didn't get to take all that many pictures thanks to Mother Nature. It literally rained all. day. long. I had to purchase a $3 umbrella and I'm still not even positive that it actually provided any shield from said rain. Hallelujah for sangria.
And because I have the appetite of a toddler, my pigs and a blanket lunch gets to be featured here.
It's tough being this fancy.

Panoramic view of our room while we did a little pregaming before our Saturday night bar hopping extravaganza.

Sunday was... rough waking up. To say the very, very, veryvery least. Shout out to bar hoping around Times Square that never seemed to close for that one.

Once we got up and moving we made it to one of my favorite brunch spots for unlimited mimosas. And maybe a shot or two... 
We hung out there until it was time to make our way to the airport. Sad sad.

To say I wasn't ready to leave NYC would be a massive understatement. I'm in total NYComa today and I feel like I should spend most of this week searching for a job there so I can move. Yes, I'm serious.

Also, while browsing all of my photos for this post I realized that I have issues smiling for photos.
This face is really attractive.

And that's all I've got for you today.
I'm going to go plot my move to NYC now... let me know if any of you New Yorkers need a housekeeper or something. Maybe a dog walker or a friend to drink wine with?

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And He's Five!

Penulis : Unknown on Saturday, 23 February 2013 | 12:12

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Five years ago Joe, very briefly, took over my blog to announce that Lucas was born.

How can this little boy be ready to start Kindergarten in about six months? He's growing too fast!

The breakfast in bed for the birthday boy this morning:
Lucas, you're still inquisitive and curious and love to learn. You pay attention when Kayla does her school work and want to learn all the things she's learning. We were out to dinner last night, and this restaurant has 5 different types of BBQ on their tables. One of them is Carolina Sweet. I asked my mom if she wanted that one but paused after I said Carolina and you said, "Carolina Gold?"

For those not familiar with SC history, Carolina Gold is what they called rice because it was a major cash crop in the colonial times.

You get a long with just about anyone and enjoy playing with kids younger and older than you. Sometimes I think you think you're older than you are when you're playing with the 3rd and 4th graders on our street. 

You still enjoy putting puzzles together, figuring out how things work, reading and riding your bike (which you learned to do without training wheels several months ago). You are enjoying preschool and all the friends you've made there. You can count by 10s, and 5, and can tell me what are even/odd numbers. You like playing math games and drawing pictures. You are really in to chess right now too.

I hope you always keep the sweet nature you have, but a little less whining would be nice!

Happy 5th birthday Lucas!

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"Thread Between Shears"

Penulis : Unknown on Friday, 22 February 2013 | 10:11

Friday, 22 February 2013

"Thread Between Shears"

I am not yet.
I've no regrets
but I need substantiated purpose.
The surface it seems
Is riddled with seams
Yet to be sewn together.
Strewn together like lei
Placed on the broad shoulders of today.
I will but I'm not ready.
Solid rock but not steady
Enough to serve as foundation
To a plantation so stern
For those more concerned
With the porch than the interior.
In perspective I am labored.
In directive I am angered;
Smattering of soulless snide.
I glide till I fall; colliding with walls
Like there's nothing to see.
Consumed by the sea,
I float amid danger.
No semblance of anchor
To ground my leads.
Less painful to bleed
Than struggling to breathe;
But that's what you don't read.
I flail in the wind:
Lifeless leaves swept in autumn.
I break and I bend:
Brittle branches before them.
Can't shout when hollowed out.
No one hears the whispers.
Daybreak robs me of refuge
As if one would enlist her.
The moonlight her sister.
She delights in games
That isolate dire straits
and yield audience to shame;
But I know nothing of shame.
I am merely the frame.
Seldom reinforced shell
That must cope with the hell
Of substance forlorn.
Was once tugged; nearly torn
Between sirens that saw potential
But would not be instrumental
in what would be derived.
I have survived in simplicity;
Implicitly dissecting "complexity"
As if to offer therapy
to those who chose to spare me;
Slighting without first notice
Unconcerned with if I'll notice
As the rapture starts to fade;
Taking form as endless shade.
I am amorphous as well.
My means thrive undefined.
Refined I will not revel.
First place or last level.
As indifferent as the stray
breathes you take before you pray.
I am not okay.
There's nothing wrong with me.
Nothing more to see;
Should you be so endearing to me.
No set of sympathy requested.
I am all but well rested
in the bastion of the uncertain.
I stand before you as curtains:
Differential in displacement.
No candor. No cadence.
I am harmed by uniform.
I am water in spite of order:
Edges singed and steamed;
Evaporating in your dreams
Until what floats near your face
Barely even warrants chase.
Your grace wreaks of pity.
Sullen is the stench of your "contrition."
Conditioned to be on call
For every instance should I fall.
Even learned how to bawl in tears.
I strain to recall the years
Where you clung to authenticity.
The rungs were never slippery;
Yet you descend before me.
You defend and contend.
You ignore me. I am boring
And you are no more than we.
Incomplete with pride so concrete;
Seeking conquer in your wars
But your eyes revere the stars
While your subjects incur scars.
Severed heads in plains you tread
Before returning to your bed.
I am but a limb lopped off
To reveal organs once deemed vital.
All may prod and trifle
And I'll barely feel a thing
Because I am barely here.
So shallow and sheer
That lesser silhouettes are acknowledged.
Tarnish without polish.
Cracks and creases abound
But no creaking sound
warning you to walk around.
I must have purpose to be nervous
and I've never been so brave.
Barely knave behind my loyalty.
No true slave or heir to royalty.
Unfinished I remain.
Wash away the stain
And the film will line your finger
If you let me linger.
So proceed as you've been trained
And employ the fawn you've feigned.
Hide the notions behind names
While true motives flee your brain
And it won't matter all the same.
Some things we don't get
And I could find room for regret;
But I lack form. I will not set.
I am not done.
I am not yet.

Written By: Devin Joseph Metz
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Go Fix Your Hair

Good morning, sweet bunnyflies. And by good morning I mean that I have already been awake for 6 hours and if I'm not actually hammered drunk, pretending to be Carrie Bradshaw, by the time this posts it will be a very bad morning. You will just have to tune in on Monday to figure out which of the two happened. 
(or follow me on the twit machine for live updates... at least until I'm too drunk to tweet)

As far as today goes, well, I've got a treat for you. A real life celebrity. On MY blog.
I'm getting closer to my own fame... I can almost smell it.
Oh wait, no, that's just the hairspray fumes from my guest poster. Sorry.


HI! I'm Maxine, sometimes called Max, Meredith, Mackenzie, or News Lady.

You can find me here at MAXOUT, or watch me anchor the evening news. I'm in for Whitney today while she's in New York trying to land a job with Robin Roberts and Matt Lauer on Good Morning America. I'm hoping to see her here at the studio soon before her interview... it'll be any moment now...

Kidding. I'm not that cool and Robin and Matt don't even work together. (know your news people)

I'll get to my job in a little bit, but just know it's honestly not that exciting.

I came across Whitney's blog the day she posted a video of her slurring words while drinking whiskey saying sweet nothings, and literally passing out in front of us. I didn't mind that my Grandma was behind me watching it too, she asked who that blonde girl was, and I responded with, "my friend"-- it was blogger friendship at first site... even though Whit didn't know it yet.

It was here I discovered the "blogger community" and learned all about link-ups and giveaways. I even started wearing yoga pants to work, and it was the best decision I've ever made. No one can see them on camera anyways.

Since I am on camera, I have to be honest with you and say that I have to keep my posts a little filtered, but that doesn't mean a "shit" won't slip every now and then. I should probably use "filtered" lightly -- as long as I don't give you my opinions on politics, religion, and current events, I can say whatever I want. But honestly, if you are here on a yoga pants blog, the only politics you'll see are "Vote For Whitney and Her Manfriend" and if you don't vote 500 times each day she'll tweet saying mean, hurtful, terrible things about your hair.

It's true.

Whit's not the only bully one though. I get emails/facebook messages/phone calls about my hair on the hour. Some people love it, others want to cut it off and never want to see me on television again. I can't help but laugh, take a screen shot, and one day hope I can share them with the world.

and today I was given that chance to show some of my favorites.


and you thought I was kidding.

this one isn't about my hair, but you get the point, 

and my grandma likes to join in too... 

the subject line kills me, and it's "lose" grandma! Get it together. 

I knew the day I walked into this biz, I would hear some crazy things. Yesterday someone called saying I should change my name to Joyce. I can't make this stuff up. Enough about me and my hair and my job. I usually write about make-up, break-ups, and what's in my bag. Exciting, I know. 
Now, let's talk about my love for Justin Bieber... 

oh... I'm getting called... Whitney is here in the studio. I'm being told she refuses to put down the large box of Franzia and the dogs in her purse WILL be allowed in the building.

I have to go.

I guess you have to read about my love for the biebz on my page today.



And just like that, I learned something new today.
I actually made a friend from my vlog. Who knew?

GO VOTE PLEASEEEE! Click 'Save Vote' until it wont let you click anymore!
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Is ombre still a thing? {tutorial}

Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, 21 February 2013 | 05:34

Thursday, 21 February 2013

So last night, while I was putting off the pile of work I need to finish before I jetset off to NYC tomorrow, I found myself on Pinterest. Big mistake. Obviously I know better.
Or not. 

Same old story, I found a project I wanted to try, I stopped everything I was doing, and got my go-go gadget supplies gatherer arm out. Before I knew it I was Whit Nye the Science Gal and I was mixing nail polish together like I was on a mission to find the cure for cancer.

Here's what I came up with and how...

I'm not even sure that ombre is still a trendy thing but this is what felt right for my NYC manicure.
I am Carrie Bradshaw now, duh.

The pin I found was pretty much useless in that it was just a series of photos that lead me nowhere. 
Go figure. Story of my life.
Here's my take on how to get yourself some ombre nails. Proceed with caution.

You will need:
Base polish
White polish
Black polish
Polish brush you don't mind mixing in other polish
Mixing tool
Tin foil (or anything you don't give a damn about ruining)

Next you want to take your polishes and do some mad science with them.
This is the fun part... also the messy part. My hands look like a child who just finger painted. Still, right now.

Here is your concoction for each nail. I recommend using it equally on both hands. Just a thought.

Once you've mixed your polishes together with your fancy tool (or wooden stick), take your polish brush, grab the polish and polish the appropriate finger nail.

Wash, rinse, repeat, until all nails look awesome, trendy and ombre.

Oh, and maybe I added a little pizzaz (aka glitter) to my ring finger for good measure.
Linking this bad boy up with Katie and Steph for Saw it, Pinned it, Did it.

Like it? Love it?

And now I'm off to the big city.
Well, not exactly right now... at 5:15AM tomorrow, to be exact. If you cringed at that, you're right.

Anyways, now please meet my sweet friend Niki, who is a fashion blogger, and is showing off her awesome bloopers on my blog. I love a good blooper.


Hi everyone!!!  I'm Niki, the lip gloss loving blonde behind the blog Glossy Blonde.

A little about me... I'm a champion shopper (I thank my Dad for that), an avid hoarder of beauty products and a sucker for a great style find.  I am also a huge animal lover and have two dogs and a cat (all rescues).  If you follow me on Instagram or Vine (@nikmariec), you will be flooded by photos/videos of my "babies."  Oh, you don't even know.  (I love my husband, too, but he doesn't seem to get as much attention as the pets do.)
But, since you can go to my blog any day and see my personal style posts, outfit styling ideas, favorite beauty products, etc., I decided to show you a different side of me...
It's a lot of fun to take photos, especially with my husband (he always finds a way to make me laugh).  But most of the time, I am SUPER uncomfortable in front of the camera, so I end up doing stupid things.  As evidenced above... and below.
smile big for the camera!!! (what am i doing?!)
i'm freezing!  it was 17 degrees out.  as in 1-7.
because it's always a great idea to do outfit photos with your dog... who sees another dog walking by.
cranky moonbeam. "i'm getting maaaaadddd"
and then, there's always nature to wreak havoc on a photo shoot
Thanks for reading!  And thank you to the beautiful Whitney for having me!  This girl always puts a smile on my face! Stop by Glossy Blonde sometime and say hello!  I'd love to meet you!


NYC, here I come. Wish me luck that I don't freeze to death!
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Readers' Choice Award Finalist

Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday, 20 February 2013 | 13:30

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

I am honored that my blog is a finalist in About.com's 2013 Reader's Choice Award for Favorite Special Needs Parenting Blog!

Just in the time for this nomination I've managed to give myself a little blog makeover. Well, just the header. It was time for a new header. It was accomplishment enough for me to tackle how to even create, size, upload, and replace my header. Thanks to a little help from Lucas; he chose the font.

Here are the FAQs on the Readers' Choice Awards. There is no prize for winning ... except a button to put on your blog to say you were the 2013 Readers' Choice Award Winner. I'm honored, and excited, just to be counted among the finalists!

Yes, I'm asking (please!) for your votes now. You can vote once a day, every day, through Mar 17. Winners will be announced Mar 24th. Your votes are most appreciated! You can vote here.

I'm also asking my readers for something else. Each nominated blog in all of the categories will have a page and write-up about their blog. I need to submit 3 of my posts that encompass my blog. I've been blogging since 2006 - seven years now. That's a lot of posts. (1837 to be exact!). I'm not asking you to go back through my blog, but if there are any particular posts that you remember for one reason or another; if there is a post that touched you, or sticks out to you, please let me know! I'm trying to compile a lists of posts from my readers to help me narrow down which 3 posts to submit.

(ok I've been blogging for 7 years, but I'm not blog-savvy enough to figure out how to hyperlink the picture below without the box next to it! But at least the picture is linked, so if you click on it you will go to the voting page.)


Thanks for your support!

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