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All Dressed Up

Penulis : Unknown on Saturday, 29 December 2012 | 19:30

Saturday, 29 December 2012

A couple of months ago I found this dress, (and the shirt/tie Lucas is wearing) at a used children's clothing store. I couldn't resist buying them knowing Kayla would love wearing this dress for the local Down syndrome association's Christmas party.

Thankfully it fit, and looked great on her ... now if only she had somewhere else to wear it!



Lucas danced with C almost the whole time! They were so cute together. I asked him if he had fun dancing with her and he said, "I certainly did!"

And at least one dance with his sister... IMG_7002

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Over and out, 2012!

Penulis : Unknown on Friday, 28 December 2012 | 10:12

Friday, 28 December 2012

Annnnd it's the afternoon, I'm still in my PJ's, and I'm still rocking yesterday's make up.
Class. Act.

This holiday break shit is tough stuff. Last night I downed a bottle of wine with no remorse.
Turns out, when I know there will be no sound of an alarm the next morning I have no boundaries.
Or maybe that's always.

Anyways, I think today I'm supposed to write about New Years and resolutions and shit.
Except I don't make resolutions because usually resolutions mean you have to quit something and my mom always taught me to never be a quitter.
Allow me to show off this lovely inspirational graphic I found on Pinterest.

See that? I think about wine easily every day.

Let's say, theoretically, I did actually make some resolutions, shall we?

I should probably drink less but if I did that I'd have little to no material for my blog (or life, in general).
I mean, I don't buy new clothes... so I can't be a fashion blogger. Also, I kind of suck at dressing myself most days. (see also: the title of this blog)
I don't have a kid... so I can't be one of those bloggers who writes about their kids eating solid food for the first time.
I eat Bagel Bites and Chickfila like I own stock in said companies... so I can't be a diet blogger. Also, I think you can't drink large quantities of booze when you're a diet blogger. Scratch this one off the list, hard.

Maybe I could be a dog blogger but only because I am amused at how fun it is to say "dog blog". Say THAT 5 times fast. Dog blog. Dog blog. Dog blog. Hee hee haa haa.
No? Never mind.
Let's stick with blogging booze wine enthusiast. 

I should probably lay off the junk food and maybe do some of that cardio stuff I see so many people Instagram photos of them doing... Except for I only like to Instagram photos of myself when I look like a rockstar and so that wouldn't really work for me.
Also, running on a treadmill is my actual definition of hell. So, there's that.

I should probably take some time to find myself some dignity and never make a drunken vlog again... but I lost my dignity so long ago I'm pretty sure it's gone forever.
That happens, just ask Lindsey Lohan.

I should probably stop judging and start doing more nice things for people... but I'm just an ass hole 99.9% of the time.
I blame Disney movies for this one.
Those evil Disney bitches were usually my favorite. Plus, Cruella had some pretty bad ass hair.

I should probably drink wine that comes from a classy glass bottle instead of a cardboard box... but then I'd be more broke than I already am. And also sans additional glasses of wine.
Boxes just go further. It's science.
And I probably should reconsider dumping half a box of wine into a Tervis and shoving a straw in it and calling it a party... but alas, dignity went out with my jean skirt.

And that pretty much sums it up for this girl.
I want to tell you that I'll post one more time before 2012 ends but who knows how smashed I'm going to be Sunday night - or if I'll decide to film a post Sunday Funday vlog again. (let's hope not)
Anywho, it's been a pretty shitty year and I've decided I'm going to make 2013 my bitch.

Over and out, 2012!
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I killed that little bastard.

Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, 27 December 2012 | 09:36

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Well, well, well, look who finally showed up for school blog today.
I had every intention of blogging this week but then I just drank a lot.
Which you all got to witness first hand on Monday... Except it's Thursday now and I've yet to produce anything since. My bad.

My holidays were nothing really worth posting about.
I didn't get engaged (shocking, I know), I didn't receive any Apple products (thanks a lot, mom), and I believe I was called a smart ass at one point. 
Love those holidays.

I did, however get some pretty sweet TOMS that are Florida State colors. So, there's that.
Also, Ella wore some antlers.
Really I just need some photos in this post so here's what you get.

Yesterday I killed a bug all by myself. I didn't even scream or panic or run around like it was trying to steal my virtue. Ok, maybe I panicked a little bit, but that's beside the point.
I did it. I killed that little bastard all by myself and properly disposed it in the potty.
We had a little stare down, mono e mono, and that's when I saw in his little buggy eyes that if I didn't take him down he was going to eat me and the dogs in our sleep. 
I'm chalking that up as a #singlelife win and giving myself a big ass pat on the back.
Even if said bug was smaller than a dime. Not the point!

Really though, why the hell is blogging so hard this week?

I mean, I could sit here and tell you about how I watched Pitch Perfect for the first time ever and I cried a little bit. So I guess that means I actually have a heart inside of me somewhere. Go figure.

I should go now and maybe make a New Years resolution to write better.
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Last Christmas

Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday, 25 December 2012 | 19:08

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Last year for Christmas we went to Florida to see my dad. At this point we knew the cancer was back but he was about to switch to another type of chemo. At that time the cancer was in his liver, and eventually spread to his lungs.

Of course I had no idea that last Christmas was going to be my dad's last Christmas. I am so thankful that we made the trip there to spend the holidays with him. Wonderful, poignant, and heartbreaking memories to know that was the last time we would spend Christmas with my dad.

This year found us in Florida, again, right before Christmas. A gift to myself was going to see the New England Patriots play the Jacksonville Jaguars. I'm a huge Patriots fan, and with Jacksonville being about 3.5 hrs away (on a good day traveling on 95S!) and with the game being on Dec 23rd, this was something I didn't want to pass up.

I thought about my dad a lot on that quick overnight trip to FL. He lived about 2 hrs from Jacksonville. If he was still here he would have met us in Jacksonville and gone to the game with us ... being a Patriots fan himself...and me getting my love of sports from him.

I know his spirit was with us though as we enjoyed the experience of being at an NFL game....there were times I felt (or maybe it was wishful thinking) as if he were right there in the stands with us cheering on the Patriots.

Arriving at the stadium:

Ready for the game to start IMG_7130

Patriots won!

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Procrastination and smart ass is just in my DNA.

Penulis : Unknown on Sunday, 23 December 2012 | 10:27

Sunday, 23 December 2012

It's Christmas eve eve, so I've been told. It's also a Sunday and for that I'm not really sure what inspired me to hop on my laptop and start writing a post.
There's something about the fact that I don't have to work tomorrow, or any day next week, that makes me feel way more productive today.
Not to say I don't have plans to day drink in a little bit, because that is absolutely happening, but for now I'm here and I'm just rambling away. 

I'm a serious procrastinator. Always have been.
My mom once told me I couldn't go play with my friends until I "picked everything up off my bedroom floor".
First thing's first, don't ever tell a smart ass something like that. Even if the smart ass is, in fact, a child.
Second, I'm a procrastinator. Obviously a nap was going down before I began slaving.
And so, I napped and then proceeded to literally pick everything, my 6 year old self could lift, up off my floor. 
Clothes, toys, rocking horse, everything ended up on top of my bed.
Because that's the kind of smart ass I have always been. Though I don't really think at that point in time I was actually trying to be a smart ass. I'm pretty sure that was just the little shit I am was.
(word to the wise: don't Google images for "toys on top of bed")

Procrastination and smart ass is just in my DNA.

So, back to Christmas eve eve.
I've yet to buy my father anything. My mom's gift was finally purchased yesterday.
I still have no idea what I'm giving my father.

Last year on Christmas eve eve I did all of my Christmas shopping at a little store I like to call heaven, or Total Wine.
Mom got wine, father got rum, Whitney got vodka.
Bing bang boom.

This year I don't even have a plan of action.
Instead, this year I'm sitting here on my lap top writing out a Sunday post, which I never ever do, because I'm avoiding the glorious task of fighting the insanity that is present in every single store today.

Maybe I'll go take a nap.

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Little Violinists

Penulis : Unknown on Friday, 21 December 2012 | 18:21

Friday, 21 December 2012

We started out the first day of Winter Break by going to see a semi-staged production of Hansel and Gretel by the Charleston Symphony Orchestra.

I admit I didn't know what 'semi-staged' meant and thought it was going to be like the production of The Wiz we took the kids to see earlier this year. It wasn't quite like that; Hansel and Gretal were center stage with the orchestra behind them. While they did act out their scenes there wasn't spoken dialogue - it was all sung in mostly an opera tone. I admit I had a hard time deciphering most of the words when sung that way so it was a little hard to follow along with exactly what they were saying (singing). So the kids were a little antsy during some parts, but mostly entertained throughout - especially when the witch came on scene. Overall we all enjoyed the production.

Before the production they had an Instrument Petting Zoo where the kids could try out different instruments. I got such a kick out of watching Kayla play the violin. She seemed to really enjoy it as you can see her whole body got in to the rhythm of the music she was creating.

Lucas had fun with it too:

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Talk weavy to me.

Heyyyyy you guyssss, since we all made it another day I'm here today to talk serious business.
And by serious business, I mean WEAVE
It's no secret I love to rock locks of other people's hair on my head and I've even admitted that it's somewhat of a dude magnet. My secret weapon, if you will.
Well, when Best Hair Buy contacted me asking if I'd review some weave for them I heard the blogging angels singing from high above.
Finally, this damn blog paid off. Just kidding, I love this blog, we know this.

Here's the hair I'm talking about today, if you missed my post on Monday.
When I was browsing BestHairBuy.com I decided to get a little crazy and order the 22 inch clip-in human hair extensions, which are 4 inches longer than the previous weave I'm used to.
Once they arrived I was really excited because they were great quality and definitely the best type of human hair extensions! 

Moving on, let's talk about the additional products you'll need to achieve this look.
1. Obviously, you need to get you some weave. Again, mine came from Best Hair Buy.

2. Moroccan Oil. You don't have to use this exact brand but get you some lube hair oil. 

3. Hair spray. I'm a big lover of the Moroccan Oil hair spray, too.

4. Chardonnay. You already know.

5. Curling iron/wand. I'll explain this in the vlog.

Here is a vlog to give you the step-by-step instructions.
Except the Chardonnay turned on me and I forgot to say good bye at the end. I hope we can still be friends.

Let me know if you have any questions and don't forget to check out BestHairBuy.com for all of your weavy needs.

Like it? Love it?

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"By Our Hands"

Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, 20 December 2012 | 14:58

Thursday, 20 December 2012

"By Our Hands"

Peel away my skin.
Dead skin with the nerve to bleed.
Alive it rives in pain of need.
I need you to touch me;
But you weren't here today.
Our minds have gone astray.
Found reasons to delay.
When there's nothing to say,
We slowly drift away.
There is bound to be a rift.
Something shifts us from our hearts
To that which aims to tear us apart.
Late night and one wonders.
Midnight milling through phone numbers.
There was no we today;
But did that incur dismay?

How about leeway?
Intermittent in a segue
Bred of what fortifies the wedge
That breaches such a fragile hedge.
Our house is broken.
Homeless amid four walls,
drippings sinks, dark halls
And shallow sheets in the fall.
So who is there to call?
Who lurks among them?
What unspeakable girth of men
Have clamored for severance?
There is no portion of reverence
Reserved for the hearts it truly deserves.
It gets on my fucking nerves.
Don't dare label me absurd.

I'm not insane. There are just implied times
When one's definition of sanity
Resembles that of a vanity
And that mirror never stood a chance.
At first glance, I may appear at ease.
Nothing easy about my grace.
No energy wasted or misplaced
Because I'm saving it for the chase.
I will lay here on this floor:
This broken house with padlocked doors
And I will dream of ways
To bring this drowning life to shore.
Swore I'd never let us die.
Let this fly. Don't ask me why.
My patience is wearing thin
And I'm not even trying to win.

So please.

Peel away my skin.
Wear my tendons thin.
Tussle with my muscles
Until my bones are crumbled.
Slam me against these locked doors
Until it leaks from my pores.
Plunge me into these windows.
Sweat and blood drips as wind blows.
For once and for only.
Don't leave me so lonely.
Against what you're condoning,
Be here like crowds before stoning.
Witness all the trials.
Watch my mind race for miles.
Soak up all this shame
As loved ones fight under my name.
Partake of my failure.
My self imposed disaster.
Embarrassment so damn extreme
That no one should have to look after.

Be here when it hurts
To be attentive through the spurts.
And the shouting.
And the screaming.
Be here for excuses
that I make to keep believing.
Tear down the cluster fuck:
Down on luck per his own volition;
Granting procrastinate permission
To wash away what should be.
This should not be me.
This will not be we.
I'll have you steal away.
I'll have you remain at bay
Before I rue the day
That I let it end this way.

Before I accept this sin
Of not reaching deep within
For where our forever should begin,
I'll let you peel away this skin.

And shatter all these bones.

What remains can be left alone.

Written By: Devin Joseph Metz
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Keep on dancing until the world ends.

I need an intervention.

I wore yoga pants to a bar last night.

No, I'm not kidding. I can only wish I was.
I took Shannon's #teamleggingsaspants campaign to a new level.
The good news is that the world is, apparently, ending for all of us tomorrow. So, I've decided I'm going out in style yoga pants. 
I know you can't actually see them in this but I'm posting because I just love my ladies.
I wonder if Instagram will want to sell this one?

In other news, what do we think about the world ending tomorrow?
I mean, I guess I'm a little pissed. I didn't even actually get to get married yet. Just having the ring doesn't count. 
There's a lot of stuff I haven't gotten to do yet. Damn you, Mayans. I need another couple of years.
I didn't really care for 2012 too much, I really need another year or 20.

At least I was around long enough to know what this means...

and this...

Lawd, I miss Pinky and Stinky.
JT, denim cowboy hat. Really?

I never got to meet this guy and so we never got to fall in love, so that's pretty upsetting.

I didn't even my reality show yet.

Or be besties with Miley.

At least I made it through my chubby (for me) years...

and the time I thought I was an actual rockstar with this hair...

I also realized that these boobs will never be believable unless I have surgery to make them that way.

Guys, just keep on dancing until the world ends. Ok?


Also, this is the best end of the world post you'll read your whole life. 
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We can make a deal.

Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday, 19 December 2012 | 06:48

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Yesterday, what a day.
Everyone suddenly got really protective of their photos of food and their selfies.
Personally? Well, as long as my face doesn't end up on an ad for hemorrhoid cream I think I'll be ok.
Who knew Instagram was such serious stuff?
Except this ecard may actually be made after me.
90% of my Instagram photos are of my dogs.
The other 10% is pretty much just booze and stuff.

Valuable stuff right there. Dog Fancy, call me directly - we can make a deal.

Yeah, I think that one time I failed at trying to sell my old roommate's cat on Craigslist was more of a success than the Instagram sales people will have trying to sell the majority of the photos I've seen.
I'll share that story another day.

Moving on...
I can't stop listening to the following songs.
And by can't stop listening I mean on repeat nonstop. It's a glitch in my wiring, when I love a song I can't stop playing it.

If he would come sing this to me I'd really never stop listening to it.

Everything this song is makes me smile like a spoiled little kid on Christmas.

Always, just always, this one.

That's really all I've got today. I know, shitty post. Sorry guys.
Don't throw tomatoes at me, take photos of them and Instagram them to me. 
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'Tis The Season...

Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday, 18 December 2012 | 18:21

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

For plenty of opportunities to see Santa!

Although I think Lucas has started to catch on that the Santas we see aren't the 'real' Santas. I was looking at a picture of a friend's child with Santa and Lucas asked, "Is that the real Santa? He doesn't really look like Santa, he looks funny. Did he cut his hair?"

I dropped the kids off at respite on Sat morning and they had a visit from Santa. When I was looking at their pictures with Santa, Lucas said, "I don't think that's the real Santa. I think it's someone in a costume. Is it someone in a costume?"

At least he still believes, for now, that there is a 'real' Santa!

Kayla looks like she's getting too big and grown to sit on his lap much longer! Santa from respite:
IMG_6894 IMG_6896 Family Connection party at the Children's Museum of the Lowcountry: IMG_6866 Breakfast with Santa at the Youth Center on base IMG_6911 IMG_6915 IMG_6918 I love this one of them! At the Miracle League party: IMG_6936
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Support For Sandy Hook

Hi everyone. 
Today is the day so many bloggers are choosing to remain silent in support of those affected by the horrible tragedies that happened in Sandy Hook, Connecticut last Friday.
While I entirely respect and support my fellow bloggers, today I choose not to remain silent.

I can't cope with the gut wrenching photos I've witnessed since Friday by remaining silent.
Everyone copes different.
For me, I have to talk about it. I have to put my feelings out there. It's just how I personally cope with tragedy and pain. I have saved this post for today because although I may not be participating in the silence, I can't not participate in this action of supporting these victims.

These families all need us regardless of how we choose to support them. 

My heart hasn't been the same since reports began flooding in last Friday. It's been heavy and sluggish. I can't get the vision of these sweet babies with so much fear and terror in their eyes right before they took their last little breaths.
I mean, those babies could have been the next adults to change the world. To make better of their community. Now? Now they never get to hug their moms and dads anymore. They never get to take another spelling test or witness their first proms and homecomings. They had so much life left to live.
They're just gone.

Personally, I'm not a mother and as I know I'm not capable of understanding exactly how the parents of these sweet angels could possibly be feeling right now, I do know that my heart remains broken for them.

Why do humans have to be so evil? Monsters.
How could anyone do such a horrible, disgusting thing?

Today I'm not silent. Today I'm sending a letter to Sandy Hook Elementary school.
Today I'm saluting these tiny angels and these heroes that were taken from us so soon.
I never knew them but I'm forever affected by this tragedy.
May they all rest in love and peace.

If you are interested in sending letters, here is the address I have found:
Sandy Hook Elementary School
12 Dickenson Drive
Sandy Hook, CT 06482

Here is a PO Box address for sending letters to the community, as well:
P.O. Box 3700
Newtown, CT 06470

Also, if you are planning to order any Scentsy in the near future here is a link for a Newtown Fundraiser. 
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Adventures of Hangover Girl

Penulis : Unknown on Monday, 17 December 2012 | 08:58

Monday, 17 December 2012

Hey friends, it's me, Hangover Girl, subbing in for your home slice Whitney today.
I'm your resident unwelcome hot mess who appears to have been run over by a bus. 
Mascara on areas of your face (and arms?) mascara should never be, headache the size of Texas, bags under your eyes so big you could fit an elephant in them. 
That's what she gets though. That Whitney thought she was 21 again this weekend. Joke's on her!
4 day benders aren't meant for 25 year olds who aren't getting paid by MTV to be a waste case.

Personally? Well, I love when Whitney thinks she's 21 again because that's when I know my time to shine is coming soon.
I'm shining bright like the Rockefeller Christmas tree today and it's good to be back.
You want to hear something really funny? I even made Whitney late to work this morning.

I keep hearing her talk about how it's all her new weave's fault that we've been hanging out so often these passed few days.
Long hair just makes a girl want to party, she says.

Good news though, Amanda enjoyed her grad gift.
Amanda's been hanging out with Hangover Hannah, my bestie, these passed few days too.

Saturday morning I was in full force.
I made Whitney completely useless until she absolutely had to get ready for the party
Then that ho started drinking and she ditched me.

Even yesterday she ditched me.
Instantly started with the mimosa talk. I knew I had some serious revenge to plot.
Mimosas and Bagel Bites. Such a classy broad.

The good news is that because she ditched me for Waste Case Wally yesterday, I'm in full force today and she looks like a wreck.

Toodles bishes, I've got to go make sure Whit's not doing anything productive.

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