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What Day Is It?

Penulis : Unknown on Thursday 2 January 2014 | 14:04

It's been, not so subtly, brought to my attention that I've been, what you may call, "MIA" around this joint lately. I wish I had a thousand and four awesome stories to list right here to make up for my absence but, being real honest here, that picture above is probably one of the more accurate portrayals of my whereabouts over the last, nearly, two weeks. 

In short, I've taken up being a bum.

The longer, more drawn out, explanation goes a little something like this:

Professional Snuggler
I've spent a good majority of the last two weeks working on my snuggle skills and, not to sound arrogant or anything, but I've gotten exceptionally incredible at it. Really though, with a teacher like Sir Ellerton, how could I not be?

QuizUp Twerker
Not only have I picked up an unhealthy addiction to the game app, QuizUp. I've also landed myself the title of 'Twerker' which, if you know me at all, you know that pretty much means my life is made. Well the life of bum Whitney, that is. If you're looking for a new unhealthy addiction, something to run down your battery life faster than Farmville, or a way to unawarely pass a solid two hours, this app is the app for your future bum life. 
PS Look me up (Whitney Ellen) and let's play. For hours. 

Christmas Celebrator
Somewhere over this break Christmas happened, at least I think it did. I've taken a lot of naps since then so please excuse my lack of memory. I have plans to recap Christmas, including awesome presents (like the new weave I got.), so I'll just leave you with this photo that proves Sir and I were actually awake at some point on Christmas day. It also proves that I may have had too many mimosas that morning because, let's get real, who is that girl in this, seemingly, family-ish photo? #weird

New Years Dancer Extraordinaire
I, apparently, found the music in me somewhere around the start of good ol' 2014 and I used said music to shake my money maker all night long. Which, I realize, is quite un-bum-like for me but, don't worry, I've gone back to couch living since. Just like Christmas, I have plans slash hopes to do a whole post on the drunk-fest, so just give me a little time to get back in the groove.

PS. Speaking of drunk-fest, not only did I have the music in me, I also decided to bring duckface into 2014, apparently. Cheap beer really does get the best of me sometimes. 

And that's about the extent of my accomplishments since I went on my unplanned hiatus. Well, it is unless you also want to include my single handedly drinking our regular bar completely out of Miller Lite in said accomplishments. My mom should be so, so proud.

Anyways, I hope you're all having a great 2014 so far. I'm still trying to convince my brain it's not accurate to write 2012 on things, so I suppose once I'm done conquering level 40 on QuizUp's Miley trivia (so I can get a new Miley title), I'll work on dating things. Or maybe I'll just go take a nap. 

Wait, what day is it again? 
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