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Jacked To Jesus

Penulis : Unknown on Monday, 30 September 2013 | 13:11

Monday, 30 September 2013

Looky here, I'm blogging and stuff. At 4pm, because that's how organized and on top of things I am today. You're welcome, Monday.

A Friday evening dog walk is never complete without a cocktail in hand.

Let's do a quick Sami-style Monday post because everyone likes a quicky, right? Heyyo.

1. I got my hairz did on Friday after work. My roots were beyond offensive and serious action had to be taken.

2. Like I told you all on Friday, I was hungover as fackkk and had zero intentions of having the inevitable glass of wine my hair stylist always tries to feed me. But then I gave in... and had two glasses. Because I'm a glutton for punishment, obviously.

3. Homie gave me some serious Texas hair. I had to race home and tame that beast real fast, it was too much for this Florida gal. Power to you Texans, I sure did feel closer to Jesus for about 30 minutes there.

4. Friday night I was kind of, sort of, awesomely on point in darts. Not to brag or anything. Or actually to brag a lot. Whatevs.

5. Saturday morning was a Gatorade recovery mode kind of morning. Had to get some relaxation and electrolytes in before my Noles played at 3:30.

6. And then I watched my Noles, who had me about to pee my pants a few times but managed to make it out on top. Hallelujer.

7. I chose vodka as my drink of choice Saturday. It was weird and I'm not really sure why I went down that path but I wouldn't mind visiting again.

8. We had some of the best wing in the whole world. Not even joking, I wanted to bathe myself in the garlicy, medium sauce. Omnomnom.

9. Text I got from one of my friends yesterday. My friends just get me, what can I say?

Now let's fast forward through the rest of this work day and kick another Monday right outta here.
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Letters to Baby MC

Penulis : Unknown on Saturday, 28 September 2013 | 11:21

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Happy Saturday everyone!! Today I'm introducing you to Cat from Letters to Baby MC. Homegirl has been through some serious shit and I think a lot of you could seriously find some inpiration from her. Be sure to check her out after you read her answers to my Saturday questions here!

1. Why did you start blogging?
 I originally started blogging to tell my family and friends what my husband and I were up to in hopes they would stop yelling at us for not calling enough! My husband and I traveled A LOT for work, went on way too many adventures and it was the only way to keep everyone informed and happy. Then I got knocked up and I started writing to our little girl about the insane family she was getting ready to join but at 27 weeks our daughter decided it would be fun to join the world EXTREMELY early so I blogged to keep all our friends and family updated on her time in the NICU. Since blogging daily while our daughter was in the NICU, I just fell in love with the community and haven’t stopped since. Now I blog for no reason at all other than it’s just a crap ton of fun!!

 2. What inspires your writing?
 First and foremost, my husband and daughter! My family, job/students, traveling, and (I’m not going to lie for one single second) shopping inspire me too.

 3. What are your favorite post and/or posts you’ve written so far?
The post where I deal with those scary feelings all over again a year after my water broke early will always be one of my favorites.

Another favorite right now is my Closet Tour post. We just built a 4000 square foot house that I am obsessively designing and my closet was the first area I put together!!

4. What’s the funniest thing you’ve seen in a while?
Definitely the Hump Day commercial! I pee my pants every time it’s on!

5. What's your current favorite #backthatazzup jam?
This is probably in poor taste after her recent VMA craziness but Miley Cyrus We Can’t Stop just immediately makes me start dancing!!

Don't forget to go check Cat out!
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Apple Pie Moonshine

Penulis : Unknown on Friday, 27 September 2013 | 06:19

Friday, 27 September 2013

Hey party people.
Someone (me) went out last night against their will (not really) and decided that apple pie moonshine shots on a Thursday night was a good idea. Hashtag idiot. Hashtag for the record, worst idea ever. Hashtag I'm never drinking again (until tonight).

One of these days I'll learn. Probably not this day, or tomorrow day... but one of these days I will learn my lesson. Or not. Probably not.

Anywho, today is short and sweet, because this headache said so.

And in the spirit of the reason #backthatazzup Friday was born, I'm kicking it real old school with my jam today. If you don't listen to this one, you're missing out.

It's #backthatazzup Friday!

The purpose: To start our weekend with some fantastic jams.
The station that inspired it: "Back That Azz Up" on Pandora Radio.
The rules: Link your jams up and have a jam sesh with all of us!

Click here for a tutorial on how to embed a song in your post.

Happy Friday!
Grab a button, pick your jam, link up and let's get this weekend started off on the right foot!
I wore yoga pants
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You Are What You Eat

Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, 26 September 2013 | 07:14

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Some sayings in life never fail to really just make me sit back and over analyze the shit out of them. Take the saying "you are what you eat", for example. What does this even mean? Does this mean that I'm a massive bucket of hummus right now? Because let me tell you something, cliche lords, I ate hummus with pita for two out of the two and a half meals I consumed yesterday. Not that I would mind being a bucket of hummus, because lezbihonest who doesn't love hummus, (If you don't, I assume you have zero soul. Kidding... not really.), but really I think we all know that even taking the size of my ass into consideration I don't think it's possible to actually be a bucket of hummus.

Maybe this is me once again over analyzing things, no actually it definitely is, but this is my blog and this is something I feel fit to be discussed. You are welcome.

So, I typically don't make my food choices much of a legend of the hidden temple around. No purple parrots, no blue barracudas, just straight up winning gold monkeys with all of my bagel bites pendants of life. Instagram is also a place on the interwebz I, for some reason, feel the need to profess my culinary adoration on. Yes, I fully admit that I'm one of the Instagrammer's whose camera roll has a wealthy compilation of #foodporn photos creeping around. Sorry I'm not sorry. I have a real sassy palette, what can I say?

So let's take some of my most popular Instagram #foodporn meals and see what they have to say.

Bagel Bites
"Hey people, whaddup, the name's BaBites and I prefer getting my bake on in the oven over that fake bakin' microwave nonsense. Sometimes I come accessorized with things like pepperoni but, never get it twisted, I'm always delectable. Speaking of delectable, I'm at my best after I've just taken a little dip in a lake of ranch dressing, in case you were wondering. I can impress your friends when paired with a glass of Chardonnay but I'm also always available for a midnight snack. Call me maybe?"

"RAWR. Me is chikken. R so dey tell U, hue man. Me like hot box above stove. Me taste guud 'n all da dippin sauces. Catch up is dino's faborite. Me make you look sofisikated. Rawr. Have me N-e meal. Rrr."

Birthday Steak
"Why hello there, guest, welcome to my most humble abode. Tis me, that delightfully grilled to perfection piece of quality beef, pleasantly perched upon this fine china. I enjoy long walks on the farm beach and dancing in the marinade rain. Though I have an area code that may cost you a little more to call, I'm well worth the extra money it takes, just ask your good pals Beyonce and Jay-Z. (I hear they're big fans of me.) Not to name drop, I just can't help it that everyone wants me. I'd love to meet you over a bottle of fine Pinot Noir, I'll bring the garlic. Ciao!"

"Oh hi. How are you doing? Around here I really prefer things to be conducted in a neat and fashioned manor. Please, keep your things to yourself, in your prospective cubbies, and everything will be ok. 'Hands to yourself' is one of my favorite mottos and I truly believe everyone should live by it. Being organized doesn't have to be expensive, give it a shot."

Eggs Benedict
 "Goooooood mooorrrrrning!! The sun is shining and so is this delightful blanket of hollendaise draped upon my poached little belly. Nothing makes me happier than a side of breakfast potatoes and fresh fruit, they're my homies! I love mornings and sunrises and hot sauce and bacon. Sometimes, only on the weekends though (I promise, mom.) I like sharing the table with my best friend, Mimosa. We always have a really great time and everyone always seems to love our relationship. Visit soon, XOXO!"

And then I wrote an entire post from the perspective of some of my favorite foods and realized I have lost my mind. I'm off to try and find it. Happy almost #backthatazzup Friday.
See you tomorrow.
Focker out.
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Life Cycle

The 'life cycle' of an egg... brought to you by Lucas:

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"Idle Thoughts Part 3: Wallpaper"

Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday, 25 September 2013 | 19:33

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

"Idle Thoughts Part 3: Wallpaper"

Your curvature my compass.
Even closed eyes honor footsteps.
My ears their accomplice;
Willing to accompany every request laden.
Perceived a maven for decisions
Made without conscious precision,
I am upholding my mantle tonight.
Few lights blink above porch steps.
Ponds darker than the last drink.
I need time to think;
But I only recall your wink
With my head buried with your sink.

Sank too deep for slumber.
No degree of hunger;
But my intrigue surely piques.
Your hands cup my cheeks
Like that of clay you've spun around.
You don't make a sound.
You have yet to say a word.
Only footsteps I have heard.
This room filled with words
That I've only read in tomes.
Secrets fill this home.
No wonder you're alone.

Phrases remain jumbled;
Only humbled in your shadow.
I feel your mystique in my marrow;
Scratching against my bone
As if I were your clone.
In that very moment,
I felt pleasure and atonement.
Beneath the pungent bile,
I can taste your contradiction.
I request valediction;
But instead, I choose to stay.
My liquor will burn away;
But not the ashes of the past.
I have seen what lasts
Flailing fresh against these walls.
I remember calls:

Late night requests from another
While over her I hover.
You climb under covers
while I recall their mother.
Haven't heard from them in years.
I can see their tears
As they sat on the back seat.
Their warmth at my feet
From each daily meet and greet
No longer their greatest feat.
My legs held within their glow
Replaced by wet socks and snow.

It's time for me to go.
There's nothing to show
And I question your feigned interest.
At your best,
you've placed guilt back on my chest
And at your worst,
You have replenished my thirst.
The bar doesn't seem so far.

Tucked you in tight
Before dimming your light.
Your countenance would glow
Like the one I used to know:

Imagined the disgrace
When I couldn't recall her face.
He who sips from an idle glass
Incurs thoughts that barely pass
When questioned for authenticity.
She was my divinity:
God's gift complete with hymns.
She was no seraphim;
But her wings would cross my heart.
Her voice like heaven's harps;
Strumming even in her slumber.

I've surely fallen under. 

Written By: Devin Joseph Metz
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How Your Phone And Friend With Benefits Are The Same

Some days (see also: a lot of days) this whole blogging 5ish days a week thing can be quite the task. And by task I mean that there are days, like today, where coming up with a post idea is harder than taking down a shot of Jager without instantly projectile vomiting all over your friend's new shoes. Not that I've experienced that or anything. Anyways, typically when this happens, the post part not the Jager-shots-vom part, I complain to someone about. Today I complained to Sarah who then gave me a little pep talk, followed by a post idea, which I then turned into some ridiculous comparison which morphed a perfectly classy topic into an inappropriate one. Go figure.

Today, let's look at a few reasons why preferring to use your smart phone over a fancy DSLR camera is a lot like preferring a friend with benefits over a relationship. And yes, I'm totally serious right now.

1. Using your smart phone for photo purposes is easy. 
Just like that 2 am call you have on speed dial, all you have to do is push a button or two and you've got yourself a post-worthy photo. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am (or sir). When you commit to using your DSLR, or a relationship, you've got a lot more steps to walk through. Like figuring out how to work said new DSLR, or how to work your new boyfriend's brain. Same difference, or something.

2. Using your smart phone for photo purposes is fast.
No muss, no fuss. You don't have to go through all of the motions like you do with that DSLR, just like you don't have to go through all of the motions of a relationship when you're hanging out with your friend with benefits.

3. You're more comfortable with your smart phone. 
It's no secret that the majority of us treat our phones as if they are a fifth limb, so it's no wonder why we're all more comfortable using our phones. Just like that friend with benefits, you already know how to get the job done - if you catch my drift. Same thing with your phone and DSLR. Phone = friend with benefits. DSLR = new, untouched territory.

4. You know all of the tricks and secrets.
When it's time to edit your photo, or get to business, you already know all of your favorite filters (positions) and they're exactly how you like them. Basically, the trial and error thing doesn't exist and you know just what will make you happy... if you smell what I'm stepping in over here. Which I hope you are, promise it's not dog shit.

And there you have it, the way my sick and twisted mind compares things.
You're welcome. Go have yourself a great hump day. And I mean that in the most sick and twisted way possible, of course.
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The Babes Went And Got Babes

Penulis : Unknown on Monday, 23 September 2013 | 08:30

Monday, 23 September 2013

Welp, here I go again. It's Monday and I am sitting here at my desk with the heaviest heart, wishing time didn't move so fast. This morning I left bear's and walked into my little apartment, which had been taken over by one of my most favorite people and her boyfriend for the past four days, and aside from the greetings from two little white fluffy critters, there was no Erin there to greet me. I opened the door to my bedroom and there were no longer two suitcases laying on the floor, there weren't any toiletry bags on my bathroom counter, not even two tiny little pairs of baby feet sandals strayed out next to my Sasquatch sandals. I. Am. Sad.

This trip was better than any of the others we've had together because this time we had two very special additions to our festivities... the boyfriends. Because somehow Erin and I both decided to go ahead and go against everything we used to believe in and found us some guys who have completely flipped our lives around in the best way possible. Honestly, there was a small part of me that was nervous that the addition of two guys in our little party would have cramped our style a little bit but I couldn't have been more wrong. They made the entire trip that much better, especially considering the two of them had a hardcore bromance going on by the time Saturday night rolled around. Not so secretly, I loved this part.

It's funny, Erin and I always talk about how connected our lives really are and how things always seem to happen to us at the same time, so it wasn't really mind blowing when we both ended up in relationships less than two weeks apart. Which is actually also a really good thing because I think if I had to hear about her relationship all while I was still doing the single girl thing, I probably would have doubled my typical alcohol intake. Alas, that wasn't even an issue because that strange, but totally awesome, connection her and I have going on ended up working out perfectly and now we just have conversations that would have made the old us barf Pringles and Bagel Bites all over the place.

On Friday Erin, her manz, and myself headed to Disneyville. Epcot, to be more specific. I was semi-nervous I was going to be a super third wheel, since bear had to work that day and couldn't make it, but once again I was so wrong. Hanging out with the two of them was equally, if not more, fun than if it would have been just Erin and I. It was like the three of us had been a trio for years and the comfort level was that of lifelong friends... Don't make me explain said comfort level, just take my word for it. Mostly because I think Erin would fly down here again just to punch me in the face if I elaborated any further on this one.

May I also add that I had a margarita in Mexico that had Fireball in it? Yeah, shit got real. Really real.

If I'm being completely honest here, one of my most favorite parts about this trip had to have been the bromance we watched bloom throughout the duration of the four days. I mean, a lot could have gone wrong if the two menz didn't get along. Can you imagine? Us with all of this excitement for so many epic double dates, all while the two guys didn't like each other. Pretty much, that would have been the worst possible scenario. Fortunately that's also the exact opposite scenario because these two might just be more of a match made in heaven than Erin and I. I've got to admit, it was pretty fun to watch these two slugging beers and bouncing ridiculously inappropriate jokes off one another.

Admittedly, another favorite part of this trip was getting to party hardy with my bestie. I mean, for me, it doesn't much better than being in the company of not only my bestie, but also my boyfriend, AKA two of my very most favorite people on the planet, just drinking our nights away and making memories. The shots of Fireball Erin fought to the core, the shots of $2 tequila I fought (ok, not really) that Erin loved, the endless shared pitchers of Miller Lite, the darts, the jokes, the laughs. We, without a doubt, let loose this trip and my heart couldn't be happier.

RIP Pint Glass.

Erin, thank you so much for making this trip down here once again. You are honestly one of the greatest friends I have ever had and I am so insanely lucky to know you and have you in my life. I am so happy for you and your hunkfest and I'm so glad I got to spend the last four days causing chaos all over the city of Orlando with you two. Even if some of our dignity might have been left at one or two of those bars, you didn't even lose your wallet this time, which makes this trip that much better. I know this wasn't goodbye, more just see you later, but my heart is still heavy being so far away from you. Good luck with your wisdom teeth and take some wisdom from me... TAKE THE PILLS. And also eat all of the ice cream you can but remember it wont be better than that cake we had yesterday... which I may, or may not, have dreamed about last night.

Tell your man he gets an A+ and a stamp of approval from me. And bear, who I'm fairly sure is probably missing him just as much as I'm missing you right now. You two are the best and I can't wait to be reunited already.

PS. Push play on this song the next time you talk to him on the phone. I know he'll be thrilled to hear it. Again.

Sami's Shenanigans
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7th Annual 31 for 21 Blog Challenge

Yesterday was the first day of Autumn.

The change in season brings cooler weather. Sweaters. Pumpkin patches. Corn mazes. Colored, falling and raking leaves. Fall-flavored spiced teas. Halloween.

Fall also means Buddy Walk time. And National Down Syndrome Awareness Month.

And, of course, that annual crazy-fun time of the 31 for 21 Blog Challenge.

For the back story on the annual challenge, and how I came to host it, read here.

By now I think most people know all about the challenge, what "31 for 21" stands for, what the challenge is, what to do etc. But for the new bloggers out there here is a quick summary:

- Trisomy 21 is 3 copies of the 21st chromosome (ie Down syndrome).
- Oct is National Down Syndrome Awareness Month
- There are 31 day is Oct
- Blog every day in Oct (31) to raise awareness of Down syndrome (T21)
- So ... 31 for 21 Blog Challenge

A couple of guidelines:
- You don't have to blog about Down syndrome every day; just blog every day about whatever you want
- You should mention, at least once, that you are participating in "31 for 21"
- You don't have to be a parent, or grandparent, of someone with Down syndrome to participate
- Grab the button and post somewhere on your blog or in a blog post
- Sign Mr Linky so other bloggers can see all the participants
- Meet new bloggers (there were about 170 last year!)
- If you tweet, use #31for21

Grab This Button

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3 on the 21st: Blog Hop

Penulis : Unknown on Saturday, 21 September 2013 | 12:26

Saturday, 21 September 2013

An easy-peasy monthly blog hop that Meriah came up with:

One truth (about Ds/our lives with Ds)
- Truth: Not all people with Down syndrome are the same. They wont have all the same medical issues, characteristics, behaviors, personality, or emotions.

One tip (something related to Ds/raising a child w/Ds/or parenting in general)
- Tip: Make sure your child's pediatrician has the new updated medical guidelines for Ds to follow. 

One picture:
- Having fun at Disney

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How To Spot A Gator

Penulis : Unknown on Friday, 20 September 2013 | 08:16

Friday, 20 September 2013

#HiDon'tChangeTheChannelYet.... yes, you are correct, I'm not Whitney. But we are practically the same person... except I am much cooler and a far more experienced drinker... muahahahahaha.

Just kidding, Whit. (I'm not kidding).
Hello! I'm Sarah from Venus Trapped in Mars.
As you know, Whitney went to a little school called Florida State University and I went to a gigantic, popular, world renowned school called THE University of Mother Effing Tennessee. You probably have no idea what Whitney's small school could possibly have in common with the mammoth university I went to. I understand, I really had to rack my brain as well. A few weeks ago, Whitney kindly pointed out that we both hate the Florida Gators.

Last week we were joking about how Whitney should do a blog post about "How to Spot a Gator." Well, since she didn't do that post... guess who is going to? And since Tennessee plays Florida this weekend, finders keepers losers weepers.
1. They're Wearing Jorts.
I hope that ginger has sunscreen on. Nothing worse than a jorts tan line, it makes your denim bikini look turrible. 

2. They're a Virgin (who can't drive)
If I had to guess, I would attribute this to the wearing of jorts 24/7.
3. They Look Like They're Inviting You to Play Miss Mary Mack
Miss Mary Mack Mack Mack all dressed in black black back with silver buttons buttons buttons. Warning: this can be deceiving. As a lover of Miss Mary Mack, I was disappointed when I got slapped across the face after trying to engage in the popular clapping game with that old lady.

4. They have beautiful blonde locks 
Just maybe not all over their head...

5. They're sporting the gator logo in pink
If you read my blog, you won't need any further explanation.

6. They're a killer athlete

7. They're Losing

It's all in good fun, gator fans. I'm sure you think us Vol fans don't have any teeth and we all marry our cousins. Well, he was a second cousin, only missing six teeth and it was just once, thank you very much. Go Big Orange and Go Noles! Let's #backthatazzup (No Gators Allowed)

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"Home Plate"

Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday, 18 September 2013 | 18:00

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

"Home Plate" 

Hands peel back tension like doors.
Separation intangible.
This is standard for us.
You and I,
seldom locking eyes
but yearning for every glance.
Given one chance,
how much would we capitalize on?
Would wrong tarry long
so that it all felt right?
Would it be foolish to fight?
I'm not ready for the light;
so we rendezvous late nights.
Close enough to greet and speak
yet far too somber and meek.
Fingertips and body heat.
Your nails coiled within your hair
while I'm counting threads in pairs.
I'd gaze forever if you'd let me;
but this neck so weak and heavy......
heavier this air I swallow.
Still in all, I'd wax and wallow;
anxious to be here with you.
Waiting as if something new
will take over, hearts that smolder
remove boulders from our shoulders
and allow some interaction.
Incur progress with this passion.
Passive bodies, racing minds
but we're always left behind;
holding fast to run away.
Swore that we'd embrace today.
Promised I'd have things to say.
Just delay to my dismay.

Far away from where I fell,
submerged deep under this well:
fear so great I've lent it hours
pretending to harness power.
Your demeanor my consolation.
I engage the consultation:
Signs that I am not alone;
not forlorn within this zone.
Nothing gained as muscles rest.
Both enveloped at our best,
but our worst won't step aside.
We seem trapped here on this ride.
Sudden strides to walk away.
Increments between delay.
Start then stop but won't confront it.
Two hearts sinking to their stomachs.
If I leave, what have I learned?
If you leave, you won't return.
That's the outcome I will earn.
End result for all concerned.

Labyrinth of silk and sheets.
Survey slightly past your feet.
Less discreet and more for certain.
Deliberate when parting curtains.
Dubious in my design.
Breaking code and crossing lines.
Daring deviant display.
Antithesis of prior days.
Tension still slips through the cracks.
More through dripping pores and backs.
Was too nervous to relax;
now I serve til you climax.............

..............did that feel good?

Written By: Devin Joseph Metz
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A little bit of this, a little bit of that.

This week has been an absolute cluster truck and, really, by that I mean that I have been so preoccupied with thoughts of Erin being here and all of the excitement we haven't gotten to share in person yet that I just can't even think straight. Pile on my boss being out of town all week in conjunction with me still just tap dancing with unicorns on cloud nine and I don't really know why I'm even trying to be a blogger this week.

Alas, that bestie of mine came up with this great idea for a spur of the moment link up today and when Erin comes to me with a collaboration idea, there's no turning her down. So, today we're playing a little game of This or That where we choose between a compilation of comparisons. Lezdoit.

Vacationing in Florida or vacationing in NYC: NYC, le duh. Living in Florida your entire life pretty much makes it the very last place you'd ever choose to visit.

iPhone or Droid: iPhone, always and forever. There's no divorcing happening in this relationship between my iPhone and I. We're going strong on 7 years here and it's just beautiful.

NSYNC or Backstreet Boys: I once got to sit front row at an NSYNC show. JC touched my hand somewhere throughout the concert, I went home and washed said hand with a washcloth and proceeded to save the washcloth in a Ziplock bag for years. Safe to say, NSYNC was the best of the boy bands ever. Ever.

Being forced to delete Facebook or being forced to delete Twitter: Facebook, fo sho. I could definitely go without the constant cries for attention that spread through Facebook like wildfire.

Fireball or Miller Lite: As much as I adore my Fireball, and you all know I do, I have to go with Miller Lite. My homeboy Miller doesn't hit me nearly as hard the next day as Fireball does. Sorry I'm not sorry, Miller it's all you.

Full House or Family Matters: Full House all day erryday. If you said Family Matters, I say how rudddde.

Dumbledore or Gandalf: Dumbledore. Because Erin dragged me to Harry Potter world and it was actually pretty cool.

Dying Easter eggs or Carving pumpkins: As much as I loathe carving pumpkins, I have to pick that out of the two simply based on the time of year. Fall wins always, sorryboutcha Bunny.

NFL or NCAAF: NCAAF, yeah boy yeah. F-L-O-R-I-D-A-S-T-A-T-E. That's all that needs to be said here.

A hangover forever or sobriety forever: As much as I would hate it, I'd have to go sobriety forever. I've had some pretty disturbing hangovers and if I had to live with those every single day I'd just hate everything about life forever.

January or July: July. Erin's birthday, the month before my birthday, beach days, pool time. All of the things I love about being a Florida native.

Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus: BOTH. Come on, it's me. That's like picking between Miller Lite bottles or draft... both are equally awesome and I share a strong love for both. Heart you, Miley/Hannah. LYLAS.

Shark Week or Fashion Week: I hope none of my college professors are reading this... I pick Shark Week. Because, really, it's a shit ton more entertaining. And the drinking games are endless.

Fresh Prince of Bel-Air or Saved by the Bell: Zack Morris + Yoga Pants = Forever.

Britney or Christina: B. Spears. That isn't even a question. Well, unless we're talking Christmas albums because Christina's Christmas Album is pretty much my favorite of life.

Burrito or Burrito Bowl: Ever since this really horrible burrito maker at Chipotle made me a burrito that managed to have two entire bites of nothing but tortilla and sour cream, I went cold turkey and now the only logical choice is bowl.

Reading blogs on your phone or reading blogs on your computer: Reading blogs on my phone is my actual definition of misery. I really, really hate reading blogs on my phone. So, yeah, let's go with computer.

Angelina or Jennifer: Jennifer, Jennifer, allllllll of the Jennifer. The woman is perfect. That is all.

Doug Funny or The Rugrats: I'm a sucker for a good romantic story so this one goes to Doug Funny and his main lady Patty Mayo. Hopeless romantic, isle 1.

An open mouth chewer or a heavy breather: Oh good god, these are both huge pet peeves for me. I guess if I had to go with one, I'd go with the heavy breather. Because that's what pillows and socks are for... right?

Woof. Now to figure out what to do with myself for the next 9 hours while I await my bestie and her new man. My heart is so full and she's not even on Florida soil yet!
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Running The Air Force Marathon

Research Down Syndrome funds and supports scientific research at leading institutions that are studying the basis of intellectual impairments in Down syndrome. One of the ways they are doing this is with the RDS Runners program. They are charity sponsors with various marathons around the country.

Last year my husband, Joe, completed his first marathon -the Air Force Marathon - as a runner for RDS. He also completed the Disney Half Marathon in Jan. Joe will once again be running in the Air Force Marathon on Sep 21st and raising money for Research Down Syndrome.

Down syndrome is one of the most common genetic conditions, but one of the least funded in the NIH. Research in Down syndrome isn't just DS-specific but extends to research connected with Alzheimer's and leukemia.

There are several current research studies happening now that are focusing on the why and how having the extra chromosome causes delays for people with Down syndrome; including how to 'turn off' the extra expression that happens in specific genes.

Research like this could possibly lead to medical therapies for intellectual disabilities to help improve memory and cognition which will allow people with Down syndrome to be more independent.

If you are able to donate to Joe's Crowdrise page for the marathon it is much appreciated!

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