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Penulis : Unknown on Saturday, 29 October 2011 | 10:54


I swear it's the hardest part:
All the signs of us growing apart
when a dusty old movie scene
was once something clear and pristine;

And as the dust is blown,
all of our good memories fade.
As the old oak is buffed,
I see that not much at all is saved.
This realization is emblazoned:

Scorched across the cranium,
melded to my medulla
are those scathing times and trials
where I became the slave
and she was the ruler.

Foolish her;
but the bigger fool is me;
pleading for hollow sympathy
with recesses full of iniquities
that have stolen the essence of me.

The best of me is trapped
between a smaller me
that still laps up wounds
and a larger me
that may relapse soon.
Why do I still swoon?!?!

Why do I sit and croon;
resembling the hounds
that howl at the moon
as if that which we had
will return again soon?
Am I the loon? Am I?

Do what you must.
Save me.
Tell me that I'm crazy,
my methods of coping are lazy
and how much it shouldn't faze me.
If that doesn't work, tase me.

Shock me into submission.
Render me numb to my subscription
of unsavory retention
that is less like passion
and more like perdition.

Demand my undivided attention.
Cave me;
forging a path to my new mission.
Pave me.
Send me on a brighter expedition.
I know you won't enslave me.
Give me love; not an exhibition.
Save me. ♥

Written By: Devin Joseph Metz
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