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it's not the town, it's the humidity

Penulis : Unknown on Sunday, 28 March 2010 | 18:40

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Very excited to be a part of the new IsReads, an Adam Robinson/Peter Cole/Kathryn Regina mastercook, by which poems are posted surreptitiously and scrumptiously in cities all across our fine land. Here's my poem "In Case You Were Wondering" outside of some picnic tables in Nashville, near a Hard Rock Cafe in Chicago, and in a very appropriate grocery store aisle in Louisville, Kentucky:

Other awesome folks in the new IsReads are Jason Bredle, Heather Christle, Peter Davis, A. Minetta Gould, Edward Mullany (Edward's is Adam Robinson's favorite, I think—it is really good!), AE Reiff, and Matthew Savoca. Visit the site and collect 'em all. You can even sign up to staple poems in your town! Put the peep back in people.
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a well made soda is a well made soda

Penulis : Unknown on Sunday, 21 March 2010 | 17:13

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Back from California! What a time. California's making a good show of its pre-falling-in-the-ocean romp. Recapping to come.
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if you blog about the blogging episode of "House" does the stat counter on your poop go up?

Penulis : Unknown on Monday, 8 March 2010 | 20:54

Monday, 8 March 2010

Headed to the California coast with Carolyn. Driving from Humboldt County to L.A, with a stop in the Bay Area. We want to hang out with you. We want to shave redwood bark and cook it in a stew with you. We want to cash this awesome check from the class action lawsuit against CVS with you.

Working hard on Look! Look! Feathers. Here is a random sentence: "We agree with everything you said, all the wows and damn girls."

I am shaggy of late.

There’s no difference distance between connotation and denotation. All language happens in all its capacities.

Consider the difference between:

 I opened my hand to the world.

 I held a hand out.

Did you see all the new rad poetry videos?

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