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according to

Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, 22 November 2007 | 21:47

Thursday, 22 November 2007


Clay mug--or a
pipe dream? No,
mug: cracked to
leak a stamp of
coffee. A crazy
night, kid? No.
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mad hits about the face and neck

Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, 15 November 2007 | 12:11

Thursday, 15 November 2007

Announcing NOÖ Journal's December Bicoastal Reading!

East Coast:
Amherst Books
December 12th / 8PM
Amherst, MA

Featuring the following readers:

Heather Christle's poetry has or will appear in Fence, Octopus Magazine, Unpleasant Event Schedule, LIT, NOÖ Journal and elsewhere.

Elisa Gabbert's recent work appears or will appear in NOÖ, Cannibal, LIT, Meridian, Caketrain, Coconut and elsewhere. Her chapbook, Thanks for Sending the Engine, is available from Kitchen Press. She is also the author with Kathleen Rooney, of Something Really Wonderful, forthcoming from Dancing Girl Press, and That Tiny Insane Voluptuousness, forthcoming from Otoliths Books.

Aaron Hellem's work appears or will appear in Ellipsis, NOÖ Journal, Carve Magazine, and the Powhatan Review.

Tao Lin is the author of a novel, EEEEE EEE EEEE (Melville house, May 2007), a story-collection, BED (Melville House, May 2007), a poetry collection, YOU ARE A LITTLE BIT HAPPIER THAN I AM (Action Books, November 2006), and a forthcoming poetry collection, COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL THERAPY (Melville House, May 2008).

West Coast:
Los Angeles
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i hope my umass students are curious human beings who google my name and find this blog. i've titled this post with the school name to help them

Penulis : Unknown on Monday, 12 November 2007 | 02:31

Monday, 12 November 2007

My students: they think I'm confusing. This is both good and bad. Discuss.
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prose flurry

Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday, 6 November 2007 | 15:28

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

I don't know if I'll leave up the thing below or not. Do you? Do you know?

Joe Massey had a call-in day at his blog. Hear mine there. I laugh at myself a couple times, once or twice.

This is what I read, if you want to read along (I'm writing MC Oroville poems instead of doing NaNoWriMo like Jess, Bryan, and Alex):

Main Event for the Bowling Alley Parking Lot

taken down to forthcome in Saltgrass
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this is how 90% of "intelligent" and "informed" people write about the future.


It's hard for me to get away from this old idea I have about something. Sure, it's wrong, and I know that. In fact, here is a long and clearly well-attuned exploration of all the ways in which my idea is outdated. Pretty sharp, right? Why did I even get my idea in the first place? Well, here is the history of my idea framed in an overall metanarrative of progress that proves how we really have no reason to cling to this old shit. And hey, maybe that's awesome! Maybe we're headed for this utopia I will now describe. Wow, that sounded good, right? But now I can't help but feel a little like saying "But now I can't help but." Maybe I'm just silly, but here is the part where I abandon the logic and keen analysis I used earlier to decide that for now (and probably the rest of my life) I am never going to abandon my old idea--even though I'm smart enough to self-analyze and identify its archaism, its rigidity, its snotty doctrine of convervastism that serves to make my brain a sort of bunker of fear. Faced with all that, why stick with this old idea? Well, I kind of like it! In this vague and emotional way I will now take one or two sentences to sketch, all of which is supposed to somehow shove all that earlier hard-won rationale off the podium. Whee! Don't worry about all that stuff I took a long time to explain. Emotions are way cooler. Fuck the future. Have a good night.
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you're so fun they should make a sequel

Penulis : Unknown on Sunday, 4 November 2007 | 13:28

Sunday, 4 November 2007

More MC Oroville poems (plus one from Don't Wake Up It's Just Me) now live at Lamination Colony, Blake Butler's tarnation tough online magazine.

This November issue also features Andrea Fitzpatrick, Shane Jones, Gene Morgan, Ofelia Hunt, and Sean Lovelace.

So even if you think I'm a whiny asshole, you should read these other people, real live lettuce chewers who confidently breathe a little in and out without worrying about whether the breath will get stuck (coming or going) at the teeth gate.
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