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perpetual motion roadshow

Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday, 28 November 2006 | 21:34

Tuesday, 28 November 2006

Some news:

Between December 8th and December 16th, I will be trundling up and down the West Coast with clandestinely-named Ocho and T-Po on the Perpetual Motion Roadshow, which is an "indie press touring circuit, an unholy combination of a vaudevillian variety show and punk rock tour."

Here is where I'll be:

Vancouver: Sat. Dec. 9, 7 pm. Spartacus Books (319 W. Hastings, upstairs)
Portland: Mon. Dec. 11, 7 pm. Chance of Rain Cafe (1522 SE 32nd Ave)
Ashland: Wed. Dec. 13, 6:30 pm. The Beanery (1602 Ashland Street)
San Jose: Thurs. Dec. 14, 8 pm. Gallery Anno Domini (366 South First Street)
San Francisco: Fri. Dec. 15, 7:30 pm. Modern Times (888 Valencia Street)
Berkeley: Sat. Dec. 16, 7 pm. The Long Haul (3124 Shattuck Ave)

If you go to the Perpetual Motion Roadshow link, you can download handbills for each of these cities. For handing out. If you live in one of these cities and harbor any sort of love for me in your chest bones, please attend a show.

I will probably keep a diary on this blog. In said diary I will record the fluctuation of my moods and the failures of my beard.

To pay for expenses and gas and shit, I will be hawking an exclusive tour chapbook called "That's Not the Face I Was Giving You." This chapbook will contain a variety of words, some suitable for sawyers and some suitable for sixth graders. Here is a possible cover, because the poetry world is ready for nervous yellow:

It features a charming illustration by Scott Campbell.

Fry some balloons for me! And come meet me, folks. I want to know you well.
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nazarene keeps her earrings in a folgers can

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king's quest 4

Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday, 7 November 2006 | 11:34

Tuesday, 7 November 2006

Magic Helicopter Prayer

Which deodorant allows you
to check the electric meters
in that very sexy fashion
dawn and doughnut crumbs

Which Mach do you use
in the bathroom of Denny's?
Brown towel chips in your chin,
the syrup bowl a shitty mirror.

Which hatchback goes best
off the pier? Your violin inside,
your orange rinds and old shoes.

Which cover song accompanies the man
who answers a classified for an ice vendor?

Which company hires the Marine come back
to his Kentucky sawgrass and attic full
of Lincoln logs? His grandmother
hands him a butter knife.

Which insurance agent will stand
next to you, your solvency, collecting
scoops of snow in styrofoam thimbles,
while you sleep in the car you crashed
into a cow -- who, like most of what
befalls us, wouldn't turn to answer.

Where are the commercials set
in the elevators of the all alone?
In the jigs done therein, in the
buttons smooshed to code
a magic helicopter prayer.

Where are the endorsements of crawdad soup
and elbow scabs? Where are the battery ads
that feature gouged chests, nimble sinew,
that sell you the bunny’s mallet and
offer to amp up your smallest bones?

Which central casting agency hires you
to ape the nap that ends with wait--

Where are the public service announcements
explaining how to tickle a whale’s uvula?
This, the bow tied man would explain,
is how to guarantee his sneeze.
This is the notion of freedom.
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bcr & tao & herman & i want to trade the game i play for shelter

Penulis : Unknown on Sunday, 5 November 2006 | 02:43

Sunday, 5 November 2006

Sorry about the delay in the BCR and TAO LIN reviews. My hands and brains have been otherwise committed.

So, in an effort to apologize: Andre Herman Dune & Clemence Freschard cover Leonard Cohen's "The Stranger" in one of those rooms, one of four minutes where you memorize the chinks in our bottles, bends in our hair. You look around, drum your knuckles. Four AM is coming down somewhere. To our onion mouths and crinkle yawns.

Andre Herman Dune & Clemence Freschard - The Stranger (Leonard Cohen cover)

So promise to buy Herman Dune's Giant when it comes out in the U.S.
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i am a sloth

Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday, 1 November 2006 | 01:58

Wednesday, 1 November 2006

See title.

Final two reviews coming today, tomorrow, whatever you call it.
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